S2 Chapter 6


Bakugo came in the first place as he promised. Todoroki came in second and Tokoyami came in second place.

When they came up. Bakugo was chained up and flailing around like a wild animal. *What happened while I was asleep? Isn't this a bit much?*

"He's been goin' nuts ever since he woke up," Kirishima said "Man, Bakugo, pull yourself together"

"Tenya Iida actually shares the third-place award with Tokoyami. But unfortunately had to leave for family reasons" Pretty Lady said

"Too bad Iida couldn't be here. He was so excited." Tsu said

I looked at Midoriya "hey, do you know why Iida isn't here?"

"Umm...well, Iida's brother was attacked by a villain while on Hero duty. Iida went to the hospital to check up on him." He said

"Oh, okay. Thanks" I said

*I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Like I did.*

After All Might gave the winners their medals, we went back to class


"Nice work. You have the next 2 days of school off to recuperate." Mr.Aizawa said "I'm sure the pros who watched the festival will wanna recruit some of you. Well look over the draft form and update you when you return. Get some rest. You still have a lot of training."

Everyone: "Yes sir!"


I spent most of my time going on patrols and training. When I was at home I would sleep and eat. Then I would do it all over again.

"Hey, Rose, are you going out?" Uncle Noel asked

"Yeah, I'll be back soon," I told him

"Okay. Later"

I flew towards the forest where two tombstones were and landed in front of them.

One had 'Kota' written on top of it, along with the date on the bottom. Next to it was another with 'Montague' on the top and the date. Montague died 2 years after Kota.

I drop to my knees and cry into my hands. Cry for my friends who were taken to early. Cry because of the guilt I still held. Cry because I know might never get over them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" I said over and over again.

I see a glance of red string through my fingers. I quickly look up and see nothing. *It must be my imagination.* I look back at the graves. *Or was it?*

*I'm losing my mind. If their souls were here, then it must be because they hate me.*

I fly back home and forget about the string.


I fly to school so I didn't get bombarded by the press about the festival like everyone else did.

"All it took was one sports festival and suddenly we're like celebrities," said Denki

"This school really is amazing," Mineta said

*Celebrity? Maybe they won't recognize me? Here's to hoping.*

"Rose, a lot of reporters were asking about you, but they couldn't find you anywhere." Said Toru

"Yeah, there were a lot of people coming out and saying you've rescued them at least once." Sero said "they wanted to thank you"

"Oh really? How thoughtful" I replied

*It's not that I wouldn't like to see them again, it's just the thought of people thanking me makes me feel weird.*

Mr.Aizawa walks in. "Morning"

Everyone: "Good morning Mr.Aizawa!"

"Ribbit. Mr.Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore. That's good news" Tsu said

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment, anyway," he said

*A little? That scratch is what's little.*

"We have a big class today on Hero informatics," Mr.Aizawa said "you need code names. You need to pick your hero identities"

Everyone: "this is gonna be totally awesome!"

*Code names? I never got to choose my name before. I didn't have to, until now. I never even gave it any thought. This name will be something everyone will know me by. Hmm..something everyone knows me by...I got it!*

Pretty Lady enters the room and we start presenting our names to the class...Presenting!?! *Oh no.*

I decided to go up last. I walk up to the front of the class and flip my board to show them my code name.

"I choose the name RedSparrow because everyone already knows me by that name. I wouldn't want to change it anyway." I tell them

"I love it. It's fierce yet simple" Pretty Lady's tells me

I walk back to my desk.

"It's awesome that it was chosen by the people you saved." Midoriya said "It has more meaning to it"

"I really like yours too, Piglet," I tell him

"Thanks, but it was Kachan who chose it for me" he explained

"Yeah. I know" I tell him

"What?" He asked confused

"Oh, nothing" *I'm not gonna tell him I saw his and Bakugo's memories.*

After Mr.Aizawa gives us a paper for us to choose where to intern at, class ends.

"So, Rose, do you know where you'll intern at?" Uraraka asked

I looked down at the paper. Endeavor Hero Agency.



"Everyone has their costumes, right?" Mr.Aizawa asked "Remember you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose them or anything"

"Gotcha!" Mina and I yelled

"Speak properly! It's 'yes, sir' Ashodo and Rose" Aizawa said

"Yes, sir," we said

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it" he tells us

Everyone: "yes, sir"

"Hey Shoto, go ahead without me. I'll catch up to you in a few minutes." I tell him

"Okay," he said while walking away

I run after Iida. "Hey!"

"Isn't your internship the other way?"

"Yeah. But I wanted to see if you're okay because of the thing about your brother. I just wanted to make sure you won't do anything stupid." I tell him

"I'm fine. And what I do is none of your business." He tells me

"That's true. But if you need anything, just know that I am your friend. I'm here for you." I tell him and fly back.

I know that he'll try to find whoever hurt his brother and nothing I tell him now will stop him. I know that feeling all too well. But I won't stop him, he's got to learn on his own or he won't learn at all.