S2 Chapter 7

The first day of internships went okay. Except for when Shoto thought i was going to assassinate him. That conversation went something like this:

After catching up with Shoto, we walked to his father's agency together.

"Why did you chose to intern with my father, Rose? Are you stalking me? What is your endgame?" Shoto asked me.

"Who wouldn't want to follow around the number 2 hero?" I asked, avoiding his questions

"I guess that's true. Also, about what happened during our battle, I'm sorry. I was upset and I took it out on you." He said

"I figured. It's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes." I replied

"You also said that the next time we fight you won't hold back. Is that why you are here?" He asked

"Nope. I just wanted to intern here. But if you want to battle me, I'd be up for it later" I replied

"You're not going to try and assassinate me in the middle of the night, right?" He asked

"Where'd you get that idea?" I asked, bewildered

"Well, if you took me and my father, it would prove that you're stronger than the both of us." He said

"Um, no. I could care less about strength. And even if I did, I would not want to hurt innocent people to prove that" I replied

"Okay, then, why would you choose the number two hero? Why not someone more selfless?" He asked

"I honestly wanted to make sure you'd be okay with spending so much time with your dad. After trusting me with your backstory, I feel like I've got to protect you now. It's weird, but it's how I feel." I reply. He didn't reply and kept walking.

After that, we got to the agency and met Endeavor.

"I've been waiting for you Shoto. You're finally ready to walk down the path of the mighty." Endeavor said (I'm here to ya know!)

"I have no intention of following any path you've created. Only I can decide my future." Shoto said

"Heh. is that so? You should go get ready. We're going out" Endeavor said

"Where to?" Shoto asked

"It's time I show you what it means to be a Hero."

"Um, yeah. I'm here to ya know!" I said jumping up and down, waving my hands.

He looks at me and says "I'm actually surprised you agreed to be my intern, Rose."

"Yeah, me too. I'm just way too good for you." I replied while flipping my hair over my shoulder like a diva.

"Last time we saw each other, you were threatening me." He said

"Not threatening. Promising. There's a difference" I said

"You said that you weren't going to assassinate us," Shoto told me

"I was joking... And that's only if he hurts any of my friends" I said

"Haha! You're an interesting one" Endeavor said

"Is that a good thing or…?" I asked

"Not sure." He replied, "Anyways, let's get going."

I wonder how the others are doing. Specifically Iida.


We were patrolling the area when we heard a commotion.

"Shoto! Rose! There's trouble ahead." Endeavor said, "I'll show you what it means to be a Hero!"

Shoto's phone vibrates. I overheard him say "All he sent was his location?"

"You should be watching me!" Endeavor yelled

Shoto ran in the opposite direction. "Hey. Wait!" Endeavor yelled, "Where the (H E double hockey sticks) are you going?"

"An Alleyway at 4-2-10 Ekou Street" Shoto replied "If you finish what you're doing or see extra pros, send them there. I'm leaving you here to take care of this trouble. I'm sure you can handle it yourself"


"Yeah. I'm leaving you too" I said "Its not me it's you. It was mostly you. Later!"

I followed Shoto to where I think Midoriya was. I flew over the buildings and I saw someone holding a sword over Iida's heart. I jumped down and grabbed the sword with my bare hands before he could run it through Iida.

"You will not hurt any of my friends," I said while pushing the villain away from Iida. "Got it?"

"How are you not bleeding? You grabbed the sword with your bare hands!" The villain asked

I pulled out 2 feathers and sliced his sword in half. "I guess mine are sharper than yours," I said

"You guess? You mean you didn't know if they were? I guess that makes you a real selfless hero. I guess you can live." he said

*Selfless? What?*

"Rose, you're here too?" Iida said

Someone shot fire at the villain.

"Midoriya, you need to give more details in times like this," Shoto said

"You, too, Todoroki?" Iida asked

"How'd you get here?" Midoriya asked, "Hold on, you're using your left side?"

"How'd I get here? Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out. Next time, try to send more than your specific location."

"Dude, if someone sends you their specific location. It always means they need you at that specific location. It's not rocket science." I said

"Rose, how did you know to be here?" Midoriya asked

"I was next to Shoto when you sent the location. I just followed him and tada! Here I am!" I replied posing. I just pulled an Aoyama, didn't I?

Shoto shot ice towards the villain...me included since I was so close to the villain. "Really?! Again?!" I yelled at him

I broke out of the ice and flew on top of a building.

"Everything's okay. The Pro-Heros will be here any minute" Shoto said while running towards the villain, throwing fire at him.

"You're just what they said you were. But you won't be taking any more lives, Hero Killer." Shoto said

"Todoroki, Rose, you can't let that guy get your blood. I-I think he controls his enemy's actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!" Midoriya said

*That's actually good for me. His swords can't cut through my skin, so he can't ingest any of my blood.*

Hero Killer threw a knife at Shoto and ran after him. Shoto put up an ice barrier before he could inject any blood. Hero Killer accidentally threw up his sword which I sliced in half again mid-air.

The Killer took out another dagger and started to fight with Shoto. *I could take this guy out, no problem.*

After I thought that, I overheard Iida "Just stop it. Why are you doing this? His fight is with me! I inherited my brother's name. I'm the one who should stop him! The Hero Killer is mine!"

I jumped down front of the building and next to Iida "Shut up, Iida. Listen to yourself. 'The Hero Killer is mine'? You sound like the bad guy" I said "I know what you're going through, and it's not easy to get passed the idea of revenge. But revenge is what makes a villain, not a Hero. Remember, the line between revenge and justice is thin, but it's there. Don't get the two confused, or the people you love will get hurt"

He looks at me in shock.

"Careful, Todoroki," Midoriya yelled from the floor. I noticed him hand twitch a bit.

Midoriya jumped up in time to save the...Native?...on the ground. *I didn't even know he was here.*

As the others talked about whether they should wait for the Pros or keep fighting, I thought about Iida. On one hand, I could stop the Killer in one move, on the other, I could let this drag out. The second option is riskier but Iida could finally move on from this. The second option it is. *WooHoo! Living on the dangerous side! Who's gonna get killed tonight? Hopefully not us.*

"Rose, would you stay behind and protect the others?" Midoriya asked

"Sure, but if it looks like it's getting too dangerous for you guys, I will step in," I said

"Yeah, okay" He replied

They fought the Killer. When it looked like Shoto and Midoriya would be defeated, I was about to step in until I hear Iida say "You have to run. I can't watch this"

I looked at him and said "You should have thought about the consequences when you were looking for a fight with the Killer. Your friends would do anything to keep you safe, so why would this time be any different?"

He stayed quiet. I was about to intervene with the fight when I saw Iida start to move. *I'll give you just a few more minutes then.*

Iida had a determined look on his face. He got up and flew towards the villain "Recipro Burst!"

"Todoroki...Midoriya...Rose...This has nothing to do with you. I apologize." Iida said

"Come on. Not this again." Midoriya said

"I'm okay. And I won't let the three of you shed any more blood for me!" Iida said

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes." the Killer said "you'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name 'Hero'. Someone must teach you a lesson."

"Who are you to decide who deserves to live and die? Its true nobody can change in a few minutes, but they can try to along the way." I said

"You're a fundamentalist lunatic. Iida, don't listen to this murderer's nonsense." Shoto said

"No. he's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero...at all. Even so. There's no way I can back down. If I give up now, the name 'Ingenium' will die!" He said

"Pathetic!" the Killer said and rushed towards Iida. Shoto pushed Iida behind him to protect him. He shot fire at the Killer to keep him at bay.

"Idiots! The Hero Killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor! Stop fighting back- just get out of here!" the Native on the ground said.

"Stop fighting back?" I asked, "That would be like telling me to stop breathing!"

I stepped forward and grabbed onto all of the Killer's string.

"Rose! What are you doing? You can't beat him on your own!" Shoto yelled at me

"Oh, yeah?" I asked "Just watch me"

I yanked on the string, which made the Killer fall to the ground.

"Ack, what is this pain?" He asked

"That's a pain in your soul. If I pull on your strings any harder, you'll die. Please don't make me kill anymore." I pleaded

"If you can kill me with just a flick of your wrist, then I'll have to kill you first," He said as he rushed towards me

I yanked on the string harder. The pain must have been too much for him because he fell. I pulled even harder. The Killer fainted before I could kill him. *Thank goodness I was about to faint because of the pain myself.*

"Is he dead?" Midoriya asked

"No. just unconscious. We should go look for the Pros" I told them

"Yeah, alright"

After tying Killer up, Native (Who knew that's his actual Hero name!) gave Piglet a piggyback ride.

"I have to apologize. I'm supposed to be a Pro but I was useless back there" Native said

"No, I don't think anyone person could take the Killer on," Midoriya said "Well, other than Rose"

I looked at them "Don't worry, You did your best and that's what counts!" I said and gave them a big smile.

"What are you doing there, boy?" a small old man yelled

"Gran Torino! I was only-" Midoriya said before being interrupted by the old man's foot.

"I thought I told you to stay on the bullet train!" He yelled

"Who's this?" Shoto asked

"Gran Torino, the hero I'm interning with" Midoriya explained "I don't get it. How'd you find us?"

"I was told to come here by someone else" he explained (It must have been Endeavor, so he must also be on his way) "I have no idea what's going on. But I'm glad you're not dead. At least." (I tell myself that every day)

More Hero's join us. One calls an ambulance for the others.

"Hey, look." One of the Heros said

"Is that the Hero Killer?"


"I'll get the police on the line"

The Heros asked the others about their injuries. I was perfectly fine. A bit dizzy but fine.

"You guys...You were all hurt because of me (Nope. Not me)" He bows before us "I'm truly sorry. I was just so angry. I couldn't see anything else."

"Iida...listen. What matters is that we're all okay. Trust me, I know what you're going through. I have been in the same position you are now." I said

"You have?" Iida asked

I hesitate before replying "A while back before I got my quirk. I had a dear friend who was murdered in front of me. I blamed the murderer and myself for what happened. After a year, I gained my quirks and went after him. I didn't care whether I lived or died. I just wanted justice for my friend. I have the ability to see people's memories and when I saw him, I had to know who this person was." I looked up at Iida "This guy was more guilty about his death than I was. I finally realized that I wasn't looking for justice, I was looking for revenge. I decided to tell the police what happened and the guy's whereabouts."

"Did you ever find out why the guy murdered your friend?" Iida asked

"His soulmate was captured by some thugs. They used him to murder people and rob places for them." I explained

"Soulmate?" Shoto asked

"I can see a string that connects you to some very important people in your life. That includes your soul mate." I explained "This guy had a Green and Red string. So I knew something wasn't right. The Green string Connects you to someone you want to be with but can't"

"That makes sense. You ignored your feelings and figured out that the guy was innocent" Iida said, "You are an amazing Hero."

"You will be too, with practice," I said

I heard flapping in the distance and heard the old man yell "Get down!"

A bird thing grabbed Midoriya and flew off with him. I flew into the air after them and threw a dagger at the bird's feet, chopping them off. I caught Midoriya before he fell on the ground.

I saw a blur bring down the bird. It was the Killer.

"Everything that I do...is to create a stronger society," he says

I turn on my RedString quirk and see all his string start to fade away. He's already…

"Everyone on your feet. We've got a fight on our hands!" yelled one of the Heros

"Why are you all standing around like fools? The villain must have flown this way, right?" said Endeavor

I walk towards the Killer as he looked towards Endeavor

"Don't bother!" I yelled towards the other Heros.

"Endeavor," The Killer said "You false Hero, I'll make this right"

I walk in front of him "Stop. Do you really want this to be your last few moments?"

"These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites," He said as he kept walking forwards

"No, you won't, you won't be able to," I said

He kept yelling things about worth "I'm sorry," I said as the last of his string faded away. The knife he was holding fell and stood still.

"I think...he's out cold," Endeavor said

"Yep," I said over my shoulder

"How do you know?" Midoriya asked

"His string...they faded away," I said


Author #1 looks down at the dead killer and lightly nudges him with her foot. She looks back at her crew "Was this guy supposed to die?"

Author #2 replies "IDK"

Angry little Author #1 "Well, check"

Author #3 watches anime "Well according to my calculations, there was supposed to be a blue-haired demon with a sword. Where is the demon?"

Author #1 sighs "That's Blue Exorcist. This is MHA!"

Author #4 "I think the killer survives in the show"

Author #1 "Is he important? Can we kill him off?"

Author #3 "I think we can kill him off, but that's dark"

Author #2 "Off with his head!"

Author #1 "Ugh" she looks back at the killer and revives him. MAGIC.


No one could move. We were all frozen. Later we found out that my quirk hadn't killed the Killer. A broken rib had pierced his heart and when I pulled on his string, it only weakened him faster.