S2 Chapter 8

We were taken to a hospital. I fell asleep as soon as we got there.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" I heard Shoto ask

"No, not really." He replied

I opened my eyes, sat up, and stretched. *Yawn* "Good Morning everyone!" I said

"How can you sleep after what happened?" Shoto asked

"I always get sleepy after a fight. This is one of my drawbacks." I explained

"Thinking about that fight now. We did something pretty amazing." Midoriya said

"Yeah, I agree. But this must be normal for you, Rose." Shoto said

"Well, this was a bit different, but yeah. Sometimes, it's just wash, rinse, and repeat" I reply

I remember wanting to fight bad guys like the Killer when I first started out as an underground Hero. But I knew that I had to build up to that. These guys though...they jumped right in without a second thought. That could be a good thing...or it might kill them one day.

The old gramps and a guy who looked like a shark came through the door.

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake," Gramps said

"Gran Torino!" Greeted Midoriya

"And Manual, too," said Iida

Gramps chewed Midoriya out then said that we had a visitor.

A dog (?) came through the door. *Sure, just invite yourself in! Make it a party. Bring a plus one.*

"This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae" Introduced Gramps

Shoto and Iida stood to greet him, and Midoriya was about to get up until Doggo said "No, please, stay seated woof. Though one of you already knew." He looked at me

"I shall give no respect to you," I said looking away in disgust "Hmp"

"And why would that be?" He asked

"Gee, should I make Santa's list while I'm at it?" I said sarcastically "First you tricked me into revealing myself. Then, you threw me into jail. THEN, you forced a mouse to make me go to school. What's next? Will you dance around my grave? And by the way, I have the memory of an elephant, and I can hold grudges for YEEAARRSSSSSSA" *I'm lying, I have the memory of a goldfish at best. But no one has to know that.*

"Wow, Rose, you're a very petty person, aren't you?" Said Midoriya

I turned and said "what?" While glaring at him.

"Pretty. You're a very pretty person...hehe" he laughed nervously

"That's right" I turned back towards Doggo.

"The other police did say that you were dramatic," He said "Also, all that was Detective Tsukauchi, not me, woof"

*Le Gasp* "You gossip about me? I feel so honored. What else have they said about me?" I asked like a girl at a sleepover "And by the way, you were the one who hired him"

"They said something about a sippy cup and a harmonica? Also that you tried to escape with a plastic spoon, woof" He replied

"Ah yes. Good memories" I said

*Cough* "Anyways, moving on," Doggo said and faced the confused students and said, "So you are the students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?"

"We are" Shoto replied

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones…" I stopped listening after that. *So I hadn't killed the Killer.* I felt a large weight fall off my shoulders. I had been feeling guilty ever since we arrived at the hospital, thinking I had killed someone else.

"...If they were licensed, of course, woof" Doggo looked at me

"What?" I asked *No, seriously, what? I wasn't listening.*

He continued talking. I heard a commotion between Shoto and Doggo. I stayed quiet, already knowing what was about to come. Endeavor would likely take all the glory for bringing down the Killer, while we got off with a warning.

"...It would mean no one would know about you, though" Doggo said "You receive no acclaim at all. You know all about that, wouldn't you, Rose" He looked at me

I looked at him in the eyes and said "Yeah, I do. I guess It's a good thing I don't care as long as everyone's safe"

"Good" He gave me a thumbs up

"Either way, we'll need to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors," said Sharkboy

Ida walked towards him and bowed "I'm sorry, I should've listened"

"Yeah! You caused us a lot of trouble" Sharkboy gave Iida a light chop on the head "remember that and don't do it again"

The other two apologized as well. Gramps looked at me and said "What? No apology?"

"For what? Saving people? I'm sorry for a lot of things, but I will never apologize for that" I said

"Well then, I know you won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise." He bowed before us "But at lease, allow me, as the Chief of Police, to thank you"

The tears are real! And they've fallen! Traitors!

"I didn't mean to make you cry, Rose" Doggo said worriedly

I looked up at him. "That's the first time anyone's ever thanked me" I explained wiping away the tears

"You know. You could have started with that" Shoto said towards Doggo.


Midoriya walked back into the room after talking to Uraraka. "Oh, hey, Iida. I just talked to Uraraka"

"Midoriya, Iida just got his test results back," Shoto said

"My left hand might have damage that's permanent," Iida said

"What? Permanent?" Midoriya asked

*I can't take it anymore!*

I stood in front of Iida and bowed. "I'm so sorry Iida"

"Rose, don't worry this is not your fault, it's mine" Iida tried to reassure me

"No, it's mine. I knew that you were planning to go after whoever hurt your brother and I didn't stop you. I also could have stopped the Killer from the very beginning easily, but I didn't" I said

"You must have had a reasonable explanation. After what you told me about your past, I know you meant well" Iida said

"None of us blame you," Midoriya said

"Would you explain so we could understand why though?" Shoto asked

*I don't want to explain. It would feel like I'm making excuses for myself.* After a moment of hesitation, I said "I didn't stop Iida because I thought that he would only learn through his mistakes. I also saw that Iida was getting stronger and learning more through an experience like that."

"And it worked. I should be thanking you, Rose. if not for you, I would still be wanting to go after the Hero Killer" Iida said

I teared up. Not again! I gave him the biggest bear hug in the world "Thank you!"

"I feel kind of bad" Shoto said

We all looked at him "About what?" Midoriya asked

"Whenever I'm involved, someone's hand always gets messed up" He replied "Is something wrong with me? Am I cursed?"

*Pfft. Uh, what?*

We all laughed at Shoto. "Todoroki, I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Midoriya said

"This isn't a joke" He replied "I'm like the 'Hand Crusher' or something

We laughed harder.