S3 Chapter 7

Author: Your gonna what? Remember, I decide your fate! Muahahahahaha!!

Rose: Eh...nothing! *This author has gone crazy!*

Author: Yes, yes I have

Rose: *gasp!* Mind Reader!



I opened my eyes to a dim lit room. *What an odd dream…*

I look around and see all the villains gathered in a bar (sounds like the start of a cheesy joke). Next to me was Bakugo, who was tied up. I tried to move towards him but I felt dizzy (not to mention that I was also tied up).

My wings also felt weird. I brought them out and saw that most of my feathers were torn off. *No wonder I felt tired. They're trying to grow back way to fast*

"Look who's awake. Welcome back to the living" said a man with a hand on his face

"Where are we?" I asked

"You are in our layer. We didn't expect for you to come through the portal but this makes things easier for us." He said

"Easy?" I wondered

"Mhmm. All For One has been wanting to meet with you for a long time" he said

"For what?" I ask

"Not sure. But he always talks about how proud he was of your powers" he said


He turned back towards Bakugo and asked "Now, I'm going to ask you one more time, aspiring hero, Bakugo Katsuki, will you join me?"

I looked over at Bakugo and I knew he would say no.

He looked over at me and gave me a hard stare. *I don't read minds! Wait a minute...Fluffy kittens!*

He then put his head down, like he gave up. *No fluffy kittens?*

I felt tired. I nodded off.




I was staring at myself. I was ten again, the time when my quirks started appearing. My wings were soft and jet black. I was surrounded by so much string. Every time I brushed up against a new string, I would feel a different feeling. I didn't know which were mine and which were not.

I ran away from my house. I got lost and was scared. Then there was a man. He helped me. I forgot how though.




I heard someone talking.

"It's so strange. Why are hero's being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because it's their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect?

"Fairy tales" I muttered

"Sleeping beauty awakens!" Mosquito girl said

Handsy said "What do you mean by fairy tales?"

"Everyone knows the usual story. The hero defeats the villain and gets a happily ever after. Right?" I said a bit more awake

"Sure, your point?" He asked

"Hold on! You can't compare a fairy tale to reality!" Said copycat Deadpool

"Exactly. Fairytale hero's are perfect and can do no wrong. But in reality, no one is perfect and that's alright."

"Is there a point to this?" Handsy asked

"Not really. But think about it, which world would you rather live in? A fantasy or reality?" I asked

"...fantasy" he admits

"I'm pretty sure almost everyone else would agree on that. If you break their picture of a perfect hero, you break their fantasy. Think about it like a slap of reality. No one wants that." I said

Everyone was silent for a while.

I got nervous that no one was talking. "Perhaps I am completely wrong and they just like to whine" I laughed.

"Either way, we didn't ask about your opinion. Dabi, release Bakugo's restraints." Handsy ordered

"Huh? This guys gonna fight, you know." Sca-Dabi said

"It's fine. We need to treat him as an equal since we're scouting him" Handsy said

*They're still on that? Pfft good luck with that!*

They finally release Bakugo and he attacks Handsy first.

"Shigaraki!" Someone yelled

*That's his name?*

Bakugo runs over to me and tries to release me as well.

"Don't bother. I can't fly and I'm too tired to move too much. I'll only slow you down." I said as I lightly kicked him away

"Shut up." He said as he continued

I saw the other villains trying to gang up on him but Shigaraki stopped him. I was finally free but too tired to stand and fell. Luckily, Bakugo caught me.

Shigaraki started talking to his 'sensei' about lending him power. *Who is this Sensei?* I wondered

The air felt a little (very) tense. Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store" a voice from the other side of the door said

"Open it! Open it! That's my favorite pizza!" I yelled happily

All Might crashed into the place. *How rude. Wipe your feet first, at least*

Many other heroes came in after All Might. All the villains had been captured.

"I'm sure you were both scared. You did good bearing it" All Might said to Bakugo and I

"We were not scared" we yelled in sync

I dozed off for a short time but woke up in some other place. I saw Bakugo in front of me, blocking my view of the man.

I brought my wings out and saw they were mostly done regenerating. I took a large feather to use as a weapon then turned my Red String quirk on. I saw five diffrent strings types and knew they were our other classmates and a blue string attached to the man flowing in my direction.

"Do you not recognize me?" The man asked

I tilted my head then shook no. "Should I?" I asked

"You can see the string right? Why not see for yourself?" He asked

I hesitated before strumming.




I saw a little girl, ten years old. She was sitting in front of an alleyway.

"What are you doing there?" I asked

"Sitting" she replied "Obviously..."

*This little…!!* I thought angrily

"What else?" I asked after I composed myself

"Thinking" she replied



This little girl told me about her two best friends. One who was killed and the other who grieved. She told me about her quirks. Her string, which allowed her to feel other people's emotions. Her wings which allowed her to soar above the tallest buildings.

"They're so useless…" she muttered

"You don't like them?" I asked

"I like my quirks. But…"

"You want a more powerful quirk?" I asked

"Yeah, I guess" she said

"What if I could make that happen?" I asked


"Huh? Why not?"

"Why would I take something that's not mine? That's stealing." She replied

*It might take some time to convince her*

"What if I gifted them to you?"


*Well that was fast*




I came back to the present.

"Did you learn anything?" All For One asked

"Yeah" I said

"And that is…"

"That my parents didn't teach me 'stranger danger' well enough." I replied

He sighed and said "I see you haven't changed much"

I shrugged

Bakugo looked between the two of us. "Rose, how do you know this guy"

"I can tell you later. There's someone coming" I said

The rest of the villains teleported around us.

"You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just try again" All For One said

"That's the spirit" I muttered

All for One sensed that All Might was on his way. He turned to me and said "Good to know you liked my gift"

I smiled gently and said "Thanks. But you will be defeated just so you know"

As All Might and All For One fought, Bakugo and I were surrounded by the other villains. I didn't have the strength to fly both Bakugo and I to safety so the next best option was to fight.

I looked over at All Might having a hard time. *Damn! We need to leave or he won't be able to fight properly*

I looked over at the others and saw that they made a plan. I looked over at Bakugo and tell him "Hey! Don't take any offense, Kay?"

I yelled at the villains to get their attention and led them over to the other side then I flew to the roof. I saw Bakugo being saved by Kirishima. I sighed in relief.

Then I brought out my wings and flew myself into the sky. I made my way to the others.

"Rose! We are so sorry! We though that since you had wings you could-" Midoriya rambled

"Shut up and let me sleep" I said from the ground

I later woke up on Midoriya's back.

"All Might!All Might!All Might!All Might!All Might!..."

I looked around and saw a crowd cheering then turned my head up to the giant tv. All Might was there with his fist in the air with smoke rising from his other form.

*Guess the kitten is out of the bag. Hey! There was a fluffy kitten after all!*

Midoriya turned to leave. I looked back and saw All Might.

"Midoriya, wait" I said

All Might was pointing towards the crowd. No, at Midoriya.

"Next, it's your turn" he said

I smiled and whispered to Midoriya "Good luck on becoming the world's strongest hero."

As he cried a river...make that an ocean. I looked over at Bakugo who stared at Midoriya. *I'm pretty sure he knows about One For All. This year is going to be a headache. I just know it" I fall asleep once more.




Rose: Author? Author!

Author: Why…

Rose: why what?

Author: Why did I make this chapter so long! I'm tired...should I just kill you off in the next chapter?

Rose: Noooo. Please!!! Who else would you have conversations with?

Author: A real person?

Rose: but your...antisocial!
