S3 Chapter 13

As I entered the building, I saw Shoto sitting on a bench. I walked towards him and sat next to him.

"Congrats on being the first from our school to pass." I told him

He looked over and said "Congratulations on passing as well"

I laid down and asked "you don't mind if I take a nap here right?"

"It's not a-" he started but I was already fast asleep.

I felt shaking *Earthquake?*

I opened my eyes and saw a blurry Shoto in front of me. "Some of our classmate passed and are here as well"

I was still half asleep and hadn't heard him correctly. "Huh? What? Some of our classmates have passed away? And they're here as well?! What are they? Ghost?" I asked as I jumped up and looked around.

I saw half the class staring at us as they gathered before us.

My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped in shock. Tears started flowing from my eyes.

"Rose, we're not dead." Kaminari said worried

"Why are you crying even harder now?" Iida asked even more worried now

Everyone: Was she hoping we were dead?!

I wiped my tears from my eyes "It's just so sad"

Everyone looked concerned. "What is?" Tsu asked

"That you are all in denial" I replied "It's okay we'll get through this together."

Everyone: We're not dead!

Jiro grabbed my hand and said "Look, we're not ghost"

I stared in surprise "So this isn't Ghostbusters?"

Bakugo looked fed up with me and walked over to me and raised his hand "This is so pointless, I'll prove that I would never die"

*Is he saying he's immortal?*

Everyone yelled as they tried to stop him "Wait!" "Don't hurt her!" "She's just dumb!"

"Who said that last part?!" I yelled "And how do you know me so well?"

Bakugo grabbed my arm and I felt a slight sting.

"So…" I started

Everyone: So…?

"We still have our powers when we die?" I asked happily

Everyone groaned in disbelief.

I laughed "I'm just messing with you guys"

Everyone groaned with anger.

The first test ended and all of class 1-A had passed. Now onto the next test.

We stood in the same training field as before only now it was being destroyed.

*So were being tested on how well we will do in a real crisis.*

"Save as many people as you can. Well , then...START!." Said the announcer

I instantly flew towards where there was more damage. I flew down to the ground and saw someone under a pile of large rocks.

"I'm going to cut the rocks, please stay still so you won't get hurt" I told the man

I sliced the rocks in half, careful not to hurt the man. Then, I pushed the rocks aside and got the man out.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked

"My ribs were hurt when the rocks fell on me" he informed me

I nodded and said "I'll fly you to the nearest medical center if you'll let me"

He nodded and I carefully picked him up and flew to the sky. "Are you doing okay" I asked

"I am okay" he said

We made it to a medical center where I dropped him off. I flew back into the air.

I noticed many citizens who were obviously not injured. I flew down and informed them of where the neared medical center was just in case though

I "saved" many people until I saw Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kirishima. I flew over and saw that the "bystanders" were looking mad.

I landed and asked "do you need any help?"

"I don't need help!" Bakugo yelled

The man looked over at me and said "My arm! It hurts!"

I looked over at the woman and told her the directions towards the medical area.

"Take this man to the medic. I will be close by. If you feel as if you are in any danger just yell and I will hear you." I said, she thanked me and took the man.

I looked over at Bakugo and said "Don't think of this as a test. Think of it as a real life crisis. Because one day, you really will need to save people. Whether big or small, all situations must be dealt with the same effort"

He looked mad so I flew away. *Call it instincts or call me chicken, but I do not want to be around an angry Bakugo*

I flew around and saved people but the test wasn't over yet. They had released the villains.

I moved closer to where there would be more villains. I had found Ojiro and his group chasing after Shoto. I decided to stick close to them. We found Midoriya's group as well.

I found Shoto and the guy who had a head bleed fighting against the Orca. *They look like their fighting each other*

I flew pass the idiots and pulled on the string from the villains. It hurt so much that I couldn't hold it for long. I landed on the ground to catch my breath.

"Rose! Are you okay?" Midoriya asked

I looked over at the two who were fighting each other and glared. "Fight each other some other time. Right now, we're on the same team. Do it right or get out of the way"

I looked back and saw that there were more villains coming in.

Back up came in soon and we fought the villains.

There was a loud horn and the test ended. We all gathered together and got our results. There was a board with our names on it. I was kinda nervous.

I search for my name. *It's...not there* I sighed *Oh well*

I congratulated the others. When I told them I hadn't passed, they were all suprised.

"It's not like it was my dream or anything" I said and tried to laugh it off.

We got our final results. I looked down at mine in shock. *Why? Why is my score so high?*

Ochaco looked over at me and said "what score did you get?"

"It's gotta to be close to a passing score." Denki said

"I still can't believe you failed. You are the best out of all of us" Momo said

I showed them the paper.

Everyone was shocked. I raised my hand.

"Yes?" The man asked

"My score is a 100% but I still failed" I said "would you please explain?"

"Oh, it's you. You were never meant to pass. You will have to take that up with your principal" he said

*This must be what Nezu meant. They don't want me to have a license because of my quirks*

"Yeah, alright" I said