S3 Chapter 12

I had talked to Nezu about my quirks and how they came to be. He told me that he would have to inform the police about my quirks because of how they were related to All For One.

"I think you should prepare for the worst" he said

"What do you mean? Am I going to be a lab rat?" I laughed nervously

He was silent for a while.

"Ratón! Answer me!" I yelled (Ratón=Rat in Spanish)

"Don't call me Rat. I am also not sure what will happen. I'm sure that they will be cautious of you though." He said

"Cautious?" I asked

"You are very unpredictable and that can scare people. I'm just warning you" he said

I agreed and left.

The next few days were spent training. I worked on my reflexes and speed. Then the day came for us to take the test.

Aizawa pulled me aside and said "I don't know if you know this but Nezu told me about your quirks"

"Okay. That's fine" I said *Not like it was a secret or anything*

"He also informed the police so I'm not sure if your score will be counted the same as the others because of it." He said

I tilted my head "what do you mean?"

"Some people didn't like that you got a boost on your quirk. They might count that as cheating" he said

"Oh…" I muttered

"I'm just warning you" he said and let me go

*That's what Nezu said too* I thought

I heard a commotion coming from the others and went to check it out.

"I just wanted to try saying it just once. Plus Ultra! I LOVE U.A. High School!" An enthusiastic guy yelled

*That's the school spirit. Wrong school but right attitude*

Blood started to pour from his head. "Guys, did he escape from a mental health unit or something?" I asked

"We don't ask questions. Just smile and wave boys" Mina said

"Smile and wave..." I said as the boy left

I noticed a plain looking boy who carried a scary aura about him. I walked over where the others were. The guy noticed me walk over and smiled. "You must be the famous RedSparrow. Nice to meet you" he said and held out his hand

I looked at it for a second before shaking it. He held tight so I squeezed tighter. I knew he wouldn't let go unless I pulled away first. *We're going to be here for a while* I glared at him as he did the same.

"Uh, you guys can let go now" Kaminari told us

"You heard him. Let. Go." I said

He smiled and let go.

*I win*

Aizawa instructed us to get ready and we went to orientation.

"Sleepy…" the man who would be doing the orientation said.

*I know the feeling* I thought unhappily

I got sleepy since the man's voice was so...sleepy but we eventually started the test.

The room opened up and showed the testing area. I had the targets around my neck area so that I would be able to notice if anyone was aiming at then.

Then, I took to the sky and followed Midoriya's team for a while. I was bombarded by many balls thrown by the plain looking psycho. I sliced through them and decided that following Midoriya was too much work.

I flew on my own. I sliced and dodged each ball that was thrown my way. I threw three balls at someone's targets and hit them right in the center. I had three balls left and I only needed one more defeat.

I flew around until I saw fire and ice. *That must be Shoto. I want to see what he's doing* I thought and flew towards him.

I got close and saw him fighting three people. I decided to stay up in the air where it was much safer. *Note to self: Bring popcorn next time*

I saw him throw fire at a building so I dug my wings into the building I was on and held on for dear life.

Shoto had won. I decided to stay away from him since he looked scary. I was flying around looking for someone with easy targets or at least someone with one or two when I found a group of people.

I wanted to leave them alone but they had also spotted me. Thinking that I would be an easy target, they started attacking. I saw someone with only one target left. I took a chance and threw a ball at them...the same time they threw a ball at me.

By the end of it. None of my targets were hit and my ball had hit its target.

I made my way to the building with the others who also passed.