S3 Chapter 11

In the dorms, I kept my promise to Midoriya and told the class about my powers.

We were in the common area and were huddled around the couch. I don't exactly know why the entire class was here. When I asked Midoriya to gather the others, I ment the people who saw me with All For One. Oh well.

"I guess a lot of you are wondering why you are here. Honestly, so am I" I gave Midoriya a pointed look and looked back "Some of you have had questions since the day of the kidnapping. I just want to say that my quirks weren't always like how they are now" I told them

"What do you mean? They evolved somehow?" Midoriya asked *Is that a notebook next to him?*

"Kinda" I said "I'll start from the beginning"

I got comfortable and started "The year was **** and I had just been born-"

"We don't need the extra information, just get to the important part" Bakugo said

"Well just for that, I'll start back when my parents first met" I replied

"Please ignore him" Kirishima said "Bust I kinda agree with him. Why start so far back?"

"If you let me finish. You'll understand" I said with a ticked off face

"Please proceed" Momo said

"Ever since I was a little bean sprout, I had been close friends with two people,Montague and Kota. Montague had always wanted to become a hero. She would rant for hours about it. The time came when their quirks started manifesting. Montague could control the earth and plants. Kota had the ability to breath air and water, he could also move it however he wanted."

"So where are these friends? Did they change their minds or something?" Mina asked

I lowered my head. Not sure on how to say it.

"Wait. Rose, you don't have to-" Iida tried to stop me but i interrupted him

"They're both dead"

Everyone was silent in shock. I continued.

"I didn't care whether I had a quirk or not. Being a hero was Montague's dream, not mine. But my parents took me to the doctors anyways. They told me that they had no idea why I didn't have a quirk. I had only one joint in my pinky toe. It seemed like I was just a late bloomer." I laughed "It didn't matter though. It was too late. Kota had been killed in a robbery."

"You don't need to explain," Shoto said. The others agreed

I took a breath and kept going "We would always walk around the neighborhood and knew the city very well. One day, we saw someone we've never seen before. Montague had asked us to follow him. At first, we refused because of how dangerous it was since Montague and Kota's quirks were still new and they didn't have much control over them but she wouldn't give up. She ran off without us so we chased her. When we caught up to her, she had been found by the man. The man's quirk was a shape shifting hand. He pointed his hand towards Montague in the shape of a gun and shot but Kota ran in front of her. He died instantly."

"I'm so sorry" Ochaco said trying to comfort me

I looked up and saw their eyes filled with pity. "Please don't be sad. I didn't mean to make you sad"

"Not sad" she said trying to keep the tears at bay

I hesitated and said "should I continue?"

"Only if you want to. Don't force yourself" Tokoyami said

I nodded "A few years pass and on my tenth birthday my quirks had begun to show up. My wings were jet black with soft and fluffy feathers. I could see all types of string and whenever I touched one, I would get a flash of emotion attached to that peculiar string."

"But your quirks are different now. Like they were amplified" Midoriya stated *Is he writing notes now?*

I nodded "I had been wondering around the neighborhood when a man approached me. I'm not sure why, but he offered to make my quirks even stronger. At the time, I had wanted revenge for my friend so of course I said yes. This man added quirks to the ones I already had. He added a quirk that made my wings sharper than any sword. Then, he added another to my string that let me not only feel emotions but visions attached to the string."

"He- WHAT?" Toru yelled and I jumped *I forgot she was there*

"What happened after? Did you find the man?" Sero asked

"Yeah. I spent so much time looking for him. I found him months later. He was robbing another store. I had an odd feeling about him so when I saw his string it felt like there was more to the story. He had red, green, and purple strings attached to him."

Midoriya looked through his notes and thought about it for a moment. "So he has a soulmate, a first love, and someone who he wanted to be with but couldn't"

I snapped my hands and pointed at him "Bingo. His soulmate was his first love. When I strummed the string I found out that she had been taken hostage by some bad people and forced the man to do their dirty work. He was even more torn up about the Kota than I was. I took him to the police, found the bad guys, saved the girl."

"That's...a lot" Tsu said

"Don't you guys think that if this guy can give powers to people he would be able to make the pro hero's undefeatable? Isn't that a good thing?" Denki asked

"Someone who is undefeatable…" I wondered out loud "The thought of someone like that doesn't exactly make me feel safe."

"Why not? I understand where Kaminari is coming from" Iida asked

"Even the toughest rulers often let power corrupt them. Imagine if they were basically invincible" I shuddered

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your other friend. You said that they both died" Shota asked

I waved the question away and said "Another story for another time."

I got up and told the others that I was tired. I wanted to get some sleep before going patrolling.


I had been thinking about telling the police about my powers. *But I don't want to end up as a lab rat*

I heard a loud crack from the other side of the room. I looked over and saw a large piece of the cliff starting to fall. I had been so lost in thought that I wouldn't make it in time. I noticed Midoriya running towards the rock and I sighed in relief when he smashed the rock.

*That's it! I need to be more focused. I'm telling Nezu everything tomorrow*