S3 Chapter 10

As we all looked around the dorms, I got started on my getaway plan. I searched high and low but I eventually realized...that my dorm has a balcony I could escape from. I was on the top floor so I could easily leave without being noticed. *Now that that's been taken care of. I'm off to search for the kitchen*

It soon turned into night time and I got my disguise ready (it's just a mask and black clothes). As I was putting on my shoes I heard a knock at my door. I panicked and yelled "I'm not home!"

"Uh, yeah you are." Someone yelled back

I yanked my shoes off and accidentally sent them flying at the wall. *BANG!*

"Are you okay in there?* someone else asked

I hurried towards the door and opened it.

"What's up?" I asked

"What's up with you?" Jiro asked

"Nothing" I smiled and tried to close the door.

"Wait. We're having a room decor challenge" Kirishima said "Want to join?"

"I'm a bit busy" I said trying again to close the door

"It seems like your hiding something" Ochaco said

"Nope!" I said

"I'll give you food if you tell us what your hiding" Mina said

I opened the door wide open and yelled "Mi casa es su casa!"

They walked in and looked around my room. I kept a close eye on a certain little purple creep.

"Are you going somewhere?" Momo asked


"Are you lying to me?" She asked


*Darn! I can't lie to her!*

"The rules state that you are prohibited from leaving this building at this time!" Iida said

"Please don't tell the teachers!" I begged

I looked at each of my classmates with puppy dog eyes.

Iida eventually gave in and said "Fine...But if you get caught it won't be my fault"

"Well if Iida is alright with it then I'm alright with it" Denki said

Everyone else followed suit.

I was putting my shoes back on when Midoriya asked "Where are you going?"

I looked up and saw everyone was also curious. *I don't think I should tell them. If I get caught, I don't want them going down with me*

I eventually reply "To my uncles place"

"So late at night?" Tokoyami asked

"To say goodnight"

"You don't have a phone?" Shoto asked

"Phones are overrated"

I looked around for my phone. *Where did it go?*

"Are you lying?" Momo asked

"Yes" *I still can't lie to her* I looked over at them "But for a good reason"

It took sometime for them to stop asking questions but they eventually stopped.

"Just one more question, does this have anything to do with what happened that one day?" Midoriya asked

*That one day?* I wondered. I thought about it. *Does he mean…?*

"What do you know about that day? Only the clowns and a the squirrels know about that" I asked in shock

"Huh? Squirrels?" He asked

"It wasn't the clowns that threw you off?" Sero asked

"I meant the day you were kidnapped." Midoriya said

"Oh, I remember now." I said "Don't worry. It has nothing to do with that. I'll tell you all about that later, k?"

He nodded his head and they eventually left

I got ready and flew out the balcony.


I had gotten back to the dorms at two in the morning. It was pretty late since I accidentally went back home by habit. By 8:15 I had woken up and was downstairs by 8:20. The kitchen was empty since everyone should be heading towards school by now. After cramming breakfast in my mouth, I flew towards school by 8:28..

*two minute early!* I thought

I walked into class as the bell had rung and sat down. Everyone was already in their seats.

"Just in time" Aizawa said

"I'm early right?" I asked happily

"Not even close" he said

"Now, bla bla bla provisional license bla bla bla…" I start daydreaming in the middle of his speech

I zone back in when people start entering the room. *Who are they?*

They start talking about ultimate moves. We eventually go to the gym.

The teachers explain how useful having an ultimate move will help us get our provisional licenses.

"Rose, since you spent some time as a vigilante. You must have an ultimate move!" Kirishima said

I thought about it for a minute. "I could yank on people's string hard enough for them to pass out. But I don't really consider it an 'ultimate move' thought. If I yank too hard, I could possibly kill them"

"And you don't want to kill anyone, right?" Ojiro asked

"That's not it. I usually pass out right after. So if there are other villains around I would be…" I made a slicing motion with my thumb on my neck

The teachers continued talking but we eventually started training.

Since I already have an ultimate move, the teachers wanted me to train my "sword" skills.

We also got to make improvements on our costumes. I didn't really change mine too much. I only asked for it to be remade with a lighter and tighter (unfortunately) fabric so that it wouldn't disturb my flying.

When I got my costume back, the back was made of a different type of material than the rest. The girl who made it told me that the fabric would "heal" its self.

"Take your wings out!" She said excitedly

"Are you sure?" I asked

She nodded

I took them out and they tore through the fabric. The fabric melted closer to the bottom of the wings. "What the…?"

"Now put them back!" She said

The fabric ripped when they went back. But when I looked in the mirror, the back was back to normal.

I thanked her and went my merry way. I was so happy with the changes.