S3 Chapter 9

After a few days of resting, my Uncles asked me if I wanted to continue attending UA High.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked with a tilted head

"We just don't want you to get hurt" Noel said

"Your parents would also kill me if you were killed" Joseph added

"I'll meet you in hell" I replied

"Don't say (snickerdoodles) like that!" Joseph yelled with a tears in his eyes

"Joseph. Language" Noel then turned towards me "Are you really sure?"

"Yes" I replied

They both sighed and let it go.

A few days passed and we got a visit from Aizawa and All Might (Do I still call him that? He's in his weaker form... Yogi it is)

The meeting was about moving into dorms at school. My parents notified the school that they wouldn't be there so my Uncles would take their place.

I was in the kitchen while the adults were in the living room. I was making tea.

I wondered about the dorms. I had never lived on my own. I guess it would be fun living with others my own age.

I walk back in the living room with a cup of tea for myself and sit down.

"Ahem" Uncle Noel coughed

I looked over at him and quietly swiped my tea.

"Ahem!" Noel coughed louder

"Do you need some medicine or something?" I asked him

"Don't you think you forgot something?" He asked

I thought about that for a second. "You're talking to someone with short term memory. You need to be more specific." I replied

"You were supposed to make tea for the rest of us" Joseph graciously answered

"Hmph! What do I look like? A maid? Make your own tea!" I said "And another thing idjshdjs-"

Joseph covered my mouth before I could rant. "I'm sorry about our niece" he laughed off "She has a wild spirit"

*Is that his way of saying I'm crazy?*

"Not a problem." Aizawa said with a calm face

*He's probably already used to me*

"We just came to apologize for the incident. Especially to you, Rose. We are so sorry that you had to go through this" Yogi said

I pulled Joseph's hand away from my mouth and said "It's alright. It wasn't the worst thing that's happened to me."

Aizawa and Yogi looked at me with concern.

"Long story" Uncles and I told them

"I also wanted to ask about Bakugo. And the others as well, of course. Are they okay?" I asked

"They seem to be doing well" Yogi said

"That's good" I said with a smile

After Aizawa and Yogi left my uncles looked over at me with concern.

"Yes?" I ask

"You know that since you will be at school 24/7 you won't be able to sneak off on secret patrols. Right?" Noel asked

I dropped my cup.

"The rug!" Joseph yelled

"I'm guessing you haven't thought that far ahead." Niels said

I rush towards the door to catch the teachers. Joseph blocks the door and Noel picks me up from the ground and holds me up to stop me from busting through Joseph and the door.

"No! You already agreed! You won't have to go on secret patrols anymore!" Noel yelled

"Less chance of you dying!" Joseph yelled

"Joseph, you are only saving your own skin from mom...only to be skinned alive by me!" I yelled

I had finally broken free from Noel and ran over the two obstacles in my path.

"Gah! She literally ran me over!" Joseph yelled from the floor

I ran outside but the car was already gone. I wondered how far I could get until I reached their car.

I was suddenly crushed by a giant elephant. "Can't...can't breath!" I yelled

The elephant turned back into Noel. I gasped for air.

"Your crazy!" He yelled

"No! YOU'RE crazy! Who turns into an elephant just to stop their niece from flying after their teacher's car?"

We were all silent. We went back inside.

We all sat together in the living room on the couch.

Noel finally spoke up "It's not that we don't want you to go out. We just want you to be safe."

"I understand. But, I have been doing this for most of my life. I don't want to suddenly stop." I said

"I know. We just worry" he said

"Yeah. And it not like anyone can stop you from sneaking off of campus" Joseph said

I smiled at him with stars in my eyes. *Lightbulb*

"Don't give her ideas" Noel said

*It's too late. I've got a plan and everything already set up* I thought mischievously

I sighed and said "I promise to try and not worry the both of you anymore"

"Your going to be sneaking out again aren't you" Noels asked


He sighed and gave up.

School had finally resumed.

"I'm late! I'm late!" I said

"I told you ten minutes ago to get ready!" Joseph yelled

"Yeah! But then I forgot nine minutes ago" I replied as I got my uniform on

I finally got ready and with a goodbye to my uncles I left.

I flew as fast as I could towards the school without breaking the sound barrier. It had been a while but I remembered the way to school.

As I got close I saw Bakugo dragging Denki behind the bushes. *I wonder what their doing*

Denki then used up all his electricity and turned...dopey. I laughed for a while before landing. I tried to blend in without Aizawa noticing me.

"Glad to see you found your way to school, Rose" Aizawa said

I jumped and looked over at him "haha...yeah. This time, I didn't get lost."

"So what's your reason for arriving late then?" He asked

"Well, I lost track of time instead." I replied

He sighed.

*I'm glad he let it go* I thought

"Don't think I'll let this go" he told me before entering the dorms

I grumbled