
After entering the capital Drane and Josh come to market to sell the goods in the carriage.

After selling the goods they sold the materials they obtained during their hunt.

they got three golds and eight silver. its enough to make them live for three days in the capital.

Josh was so happy to see that they earned a lot with this each of them can have one gold and nine silvers! He never had a gold coin in his life!

"hehe with this we can send some to our parents and if we don't pass the exam then at least we can have a gold coin to prepare for them." He is really glad to have a gold coin indeed

"Not now, we will send them a money when we passed the exam."

They are not in the capital to work like usual faqrmqer but to apply.

the first thing they need is weapons and armors.

Josh are using the sword Drane gave him but it is useless when the examination starts.

The two of them circled the whole market to see if there is any weapon. then a sword piqued the interest of Drane.

All of the items are places down to the roads so that they can easily see a lot of items when they stroll.

Dawn see a dull sword with a full of rust on it. This sword is unusual. it seems like calling Drane.

He use Eyes of sage to look to its information.

The sword will choose its rightful owner who will wield it. feed it with your enemy's despair to attain its former glory.>

"The goddess despair?" He never thought that the gods and goddesses also feel despair. Seems like even the gods also have a feelings too.

The Merchant that selling the swords come to see what is Drane looking and already lost its interest when he saw Drane looking at the trash sword.

"how much for this one?" He asked the merchant

"That one cost one silver" the merchant nonchalantly said.

"What?! you're selling this trash one silver?! that's definitely a sca-" He did not finish his words when Drane Stopped him.

"I will buy it for fifty copper if you ask for more then I will leave." He said while raising his five fingers.

"Fifty copper is it then!" the merchant accepted the prices. its already a trash and if he did not sell them then they will rust at the inventory. At least he get a fifty copper from this fool who buy it.

When Drane

Josh can't believe it. A fifty copper is enough for one day worth of food and Drane just threw it away for a trash sword.

"You're not your usual self who will think before act, Drane." He can't help but to state this words. At all the time Him and Drane are together Josh figure out that Drane was doing something that looks rush but was planned. but this time he knew that this sword is really a trash.

They stroll a while longer and all Drane bought was all trash. Josh was starting to think that Drane must be insane the rusty ring, the boots full of scratches and holes then earrings for a woman and that earring cost him two silvers! A two silvers for a plain earrings! over all Drane spent three silver and 57 copper. That's enough to feed them for five days!

After that they rent a room to a inn nearby

A room for two cost silver per night including their foods.

Each of them give fifty copper and stay at the room.

At room Josh asked Drane.

"Why did yopu even bother buying those stuffs? you're wasting your money with this trash."

Drane can't help but to laugh at Josh. He is calling this artifacts a trash because he don't know its use and how to fix it.

"I'm not buying them for nothing. I can use them as my weapons and armor after I fix them.

"fix them? You don't even know how to smelt nor forge, how can you even fix them?" He did not see Drane using a hammer nor smelting a iron so how can he fix the rusty sword and rusty rings?

"Just trust me, I will definitely fix them." He reassure Josh and Josh did not ask any further questions and sleep. He's too tired because of the new things he saw in this place.

As Josh snore, Drane inspect all the item he bought to day.

the boots

< Made by an Acient mage for his lover to let her feel the wind above the sky. Gives you the ability to fly fifty meter above the land>

And lastly the earrings

The best find is the earring, its effect really intrigue Drane.

next is the ring where he can go to the underworld and lastly the boots that will help him to his travel and escape if anythings comes up.

All of this cost at least a Hundreds of thousand or even a millions of golds. Even I won't sell this artifacts.

'Those merchants thought that they fooled me but I'm the one who fooled them hehehe'

Drane can't help but to laugh with those merchants.

He put all the items he bought to his Inventory.

It is the safest place he can hide his stuff.

After that he sleep and rest.

Tomorrow is the day where the examination start!