Instant Kill

It was almost sunset, and two young men were standing on the battle arena in the training ground of the Silver Lining sect

The stands were filled to the brim with both disciples and elders. The elders and disciples who were present during the first battle almost felt a sense of déjà vu, the only difference was that this time the sect leader was present and the battle is a battle to the death.

The sect leader knew of the incident that happened in the previous fight, although he had tried to make sure both fighters don't engage in a life and death battle, there was nothing he could do. He also knew there was also something wrong with Wu Chen's story about Hao Ren's death, as he and Yun Lu were the only people present at that time.

The sect leader was quite worried as he didn't want any of the fighters to die, he had already made up his mind to intervene in the battle once he sees one of them is about to lose.

"Who do you think will win this fight" the grand elder asked the sect leader while he looked at both young men who were currently in the arena seriously, he wasn't in the previous battle as he wasn't interested in the fight between the younger generations, but this battle had more significance.

"I'm not really sure, I heard Hao Ren was injured during the last fight and could not make a breakthrough for 1 year and even downgraded back to the Fifth stage of the Qi Gathering Realm. He is also not a stupid boy, but I think the battle will be in favour of Wu Chen as he has already broken through to the Ninth stage of the Qi Gathering Realm" Yuan Hai replied, he didn't really know how much Hao Ren had grown during his one month of absence

Hao Ren was in black clothes and he had that same calm smile on his face just like the previous fight. Wu Chen looked at Hao Ren and was actually quite surprised where he got his confidence from. He knew that Hao Ren must have heard that he had broken through yet he dares to come challenge him to a life and death battle.

Before Wu Chen came over, he had a conversation with his father

"Father, why do you think Hao Ren challenged me to a life and death battle?" Wu Chen asked his father

"I really don't know, but I don't really think he can defeat you. There is no way for him to advance from the Fifth stage to the Ninth stage, besides, he was in the forest all through" Elder Wu said

"Hmph, that moron doesn't know what is better for him. He was able to survive in the forest yet he came to deliver himself to death" Wu Chen said annoyed with the thought that Hao Ren didn't die in the forest

"Don't underestimate him, you should know he can't be judged using normal ways. He must have a trump card that he might be able to injure you with. Also, try to make the battle as short as possible so no complications can occur" Elder Wu said to Wu Chen

"I know father, the sect leader will certainly try to save him once he sees that I'm about to kill him" Wu Chen said confidently


"There's something bothering me about all this" Wu Chen said while looking at Hao Ren like he was already dead

"Oh, what is that?" Hao Ren asked with some interest

"Where did you get the confidence to come challenge me, I know you are not a rash person and you never do things you're not sure of" Wu Chen said

"Dead people shouldn't care about that. Why would someone who is about to die think of why he is being challenged" Hao Ren said with a smile

"Hmph, you will die soon. I just wanted to have a little conversation with you to extend the amount of time you get to stay alive, but seems like you don't appreciate it" Wu Chen said with a mocking tone

To Wu Chen, Hao Ren was already dead. He believed he would kill Hao Ren was he made a move

"Are you ready?" the elder in charge of the battle asked both fighters



Both Hao Ren and Wu Chen replied simultaneously

"Okay, begin!" the elder declared the start of the battle and left the battle arena

After the battle started, both fighters looked at each other without making a move.

"How about we decide this battle with a single move?" Hao Ren smiled and asked Wu Chen

Wu Chen was surprised and couldn't help but wonder where Hao Ren's confidence came from. Although he was surprised, he was also confident in his strength

"This battle will have a different result from the last one we fought, but I think it is a good idea to end this battle with a single move" Wu Chen said confidently

"Okay, I'm coming" Hao Ren said, his smile still plastered on his face

"Phoenix dash"

Immediately after Hao Ren said that, he made a move. Wu Chen was surprised as he completely lost sight of his opponent.

"Sonic punch"


Hao Ren immediately appeared in front of Wu Chen and attacked before he could even react. Wu Chen had a surprised look in his face, his look didn't change, even when he fell down on his back. Wu Chen collapsed on the floor and it was clear he will never be able to make a move again.


The crowd was stunned by the current situation that occurred in the arena. They never expected the battle to end this quickly, what stunned them even more was the fact that Hao Ren killed Wu Chen without a second thought.

Elder Wu couldn't react, not even the elders and sect leader could react. They just sat there stunned. Some of the sect elders didn't even see how Hao Ren moved, it was like he disappeared and reappeared suddenly, only the sect leader clearly saw what happened and he was completely shocked by Hao Ren's strength.

"Wu Chen is... dead?" Yun Lu couldn't believe what he was seeing and asked in a stuttering voice

Elder Yun couldn't answer and Elder Wu just sat there rooted to his seat. He didn't have any reaction for a long time.

"Ahhh" Elder Wu screamed when be came back to his senses. He immediately jumped onto the battle arena and held the lifeless Wu Chen in his arms. He couldn't believe it that his only son is dead.

Hao Ren still had a calm look after his attack, although this was the first time he killed someone, he had steeled his mind as he knew martial artist will either kill or be killed

His father had told him that he had to kill if he wanted to be a true expert in this world. So he knew he would do it sooner or later and besides, Wu Chen had nearly killed him. If not for the wolf, he would have been killed in the forest. So he didn't feel any remorse when he killed him.