Indirect Spy

After asking most of the questions which bothered him, Bryan felt puzzled as he ruminated over the logic of this psychopathic killer.

Of all the cases he had handled before, this seemed to be the most bizarre—for a lack of better word—case. He was really moved to respect this killer who wasn't worried about appearing before a child.

"That should be all? You're free to go." Bruce sighed and stood up from his chair. Will as well as Bryan was surprised.

"You're letting me go just like that? I mean, no further investigation, no meeting with a psychiatrist and no protective custody?" Will asked as he found that this was not in accordance to police culture, especially to a person who has witnessed two murder cases....

"Just what I said. Just wait for your mother to arrive first." Bruce nodded and walked out the door.

Bryan followed almost immediately. He wasn't sure of the Chief's motive and why he would let the boy go just like that.

"You're really letting him go?" Bryan asked hurriedly.

"Yes." Bruce stopped and turned to face him.

"Reasons?" Bryan arched his brows to show he wasn't in total support of the plan. He was sent here to take over this investigation so shouldn't he be the one calling the shots?

Well, maybe not. I enjoy being on the sideline. Bryan clicked his tongue as he thought self depreciatingly.

"It's simple. I think you believe that the boy knows more than he's telling us.

"He might as well have contact with this killer. I'm letting him go in the hopes that he will lead us to the man."

Bruce explained with a stoic expression.

Bryan also thought that the boy might have not said the whole truth and that was the more reason he thought that putting the boy in protective custody was the best option, just in case the killer planned on attacking him....

However, chief, it sounds as if you're planning another murder.

Bryan face palmed. Using the child as bait to get to the killer? Wasn't that like waiting till the killer killed again? Since the killer only appeared or "called" the boy when he wanted to kill another victim?

"I see." Bryan acknowledged the idea as he thought deeply, "However I suggest we keep an eye on him."

"Of course. I plan on splitting up some people to watch his movements." Bruce said stroking his hair.

Bryan nodded stiffly before suggesting, "Maybe I can do it. I recently rented a house in Raymond Street, and the boy stays there. I could help monitor him."

Bryan nodded profusely as he gave his suggestion making Bruce look quizzically at him,

"I do like the hotel; it's just that I wanted something smaller." Bryan explained. The chief seemed to be suspecting something.

"I didn't ask." Bruce said casually. He really found this new guy amusing sometimes. If he wasn't reported to be good at what he does, he would have suspected that he was a clown who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Bryan face palmed again when he heard the chief.

He must think I'm a clown who wears an oversized pant and can't keep quiet.

It isn't really my fault when I try so hard to start a conversation.


"But I do think it will be difficult for you to handle this. You can't follow him around all day, or can you?"

"Not really. But Raymond Street is a very small street and all the residents know each other. It will be easy for me to get some few locals to keep an eye out." Bryan said with an air of authority. He had other plans though.

In his mind, Bryan was rubbing his hands as he imagined his plan play out.

"Fine. If you find anything, report to me." Bruce walked past him and took a turn towards his office.

"Whoosh! Now I have to find a new apartment!" Bryan cursed himself for being too impulsive in suggesting the plan. He made a mental note to search for another house some time.

Yes, he would contact old Steve.


After a short while, Will's mother arrived at the police station with a frantic look on her face.

"Good afternoon, I'm here for William, my son." She hurriedly asked the police she saw. The man pointed at the end of the corridor, "he is waiting at the questioning room. You'll meet detective Bryan, he is handling the issue with your son." The police explained dutifully.

"Thank you." She said and rushed through the corridor. She was scared for this son of hers. Memory of the past kept flashing through her head. It was the day she also received a call telling her that her husband has been arrested.

When she arrived at the questioning room, she met a young man by the door.

"Hi, you must be here for William right?" Bryan asked as he scrutinized the lady. He thought she looked exquisite.

"Yes. Is he in trouble?" She asked fearfully.

"Not at all, he has been cleared to go." Bryan led her into the room where little Will was waiting. When he saw his mom, he lowered his head a bit and avoided eye contact.

"How may I address you?" Bryan asked taking out a sheet of paper and a pen.

"Rayla, Rayla Aeres." She responded promptly.

"Good. Here, sign on this please."

"Thanks, officer Derrick is it?" She asked taking the paper as her brown eyes swept past him. Bryan nodded and watched as she signed the document and handed it back.

"Please, be careful of where your son goes and what he does." Bryan felt it was necessary to give this friendly reminder.

"I will." Rayla looked back at Will with mixed feelings.