A Fight

Little Will sat by the mango tree which stood in the centre of the play field with a note pad in hand.

With the shade offered by the mango tree and the green grasses that filled his eyes, he was inspired to do a little writing.

He took his notepad and flipped to an empty page and began to scribble on it effortlessly.

He didn't know what to write about exactly but he kept putting down words on the notepad.

After a while, he checked his watch to ensure that he wouldn't be late for the afternoon classes; he had taken advantage of the lunch break to come here, like every other day.

This point was perfect for him not only because of the shade or the green, soft grasses; after all, there were a lot more other places in Royal Academy with shades and greens. This spot was a little raised and hence, he could have a good view of the whole school, he could also faintly see the big bridge from here.

Several students passed by him and didn't say a word to him and he didn't bother with them either.

Ever since he transferred from his former school to this school, he hadn't made a lot of friends and most of the other students treated him like he was a ghost.

At first he was hurt by this; that he had to leave his friends and come over to this hellhole. It didn't seem okay and he had blamed his mother for it.

Now? He didn't care anymore.

He had heard what most of the neighbours said about him and his mother. He had long realised that their attitude towards them was because of his father's scandal.

Everyone saw them as bad seeds, a kind of bad influence so it was understandable for their children to not want to play with him or even talk with him.

Will paused his writing and fell into deep thought. He had to figure out a way to help his father. He knew that he was innocent but didn't have proof. No one, not even his mom, believed him.

After an unknown period of time, a group of three boys sauntered over to him. Will didn't even bother to look at them.

"Look, isn't this the weirdo?" The fat one among them mocked.

"The weirdo who is also a loner!" The next boy joined in.

Will kept writing on his notepad trying his utmost best to avoid them.

"He isn't dumb now, is he?" The plump boy asked his two friends in a mocking tone.

"Come on, Kenny, he would be so miserable!" The second boy laughed so hard.

"Why aren't you speaking up?" The third boy pushed Will slightly but he didn't make any remark.

"Probably thinks he's a big shot."

"Why wouldn't he? After all, his daddy stole several millions!"

"He did steal, but look where it landed him now."

The three boys continued on and on till Will was fed up. He closed his notepad and stood up. He gave the three a brief stare and walked off with slow steps.

"The weirdo is such a coward this time." The boy called Kenny remarked.

"He's just become too soft; previously, he would either banter with us or warn us sternly."

"Why wouldn't he go soft? I heard his mom is now in hiding!"

"And he even got arrested some days ago..."

Will froze.

Mother in hiding?

He couldn't take it anymore. It was all right for them to insult him and say whatever they wanted about his father but he won't stand by and watch them talk about his mother.

He turned back and walked up to the three, "if you ever say anything about my mother again, I will teach you how to mind your businesses!"

"Oh really? And how would you do that?"

"Of course he'll get his weirdo mom to jump in!" The second boy mocked. Before he could even say another word, a fist landed on his left cheek sending him falling to the ground.

Will didn't stop. He threw another punch at the fat boy and he met the same fate.

The other boy reacted quickly by grabbing Will's body tightly.

Will struggled a bit and freed his arm which he used to elbow his mid region. He turned around and grabbed the boy and delivered series of knee attacks to the stomach.

As he was kicking the third boy, he didn't notice that the first one he had attacked was up again.


Will felt the searing pain across his left shoulder; he was hit with a wood.

After enduring several other blows, he steadied himself and delivered a blind leg sweep which brought down the boy with the wood.

Will sat on him and delivered punch after punch to his face, chest and stomach.

He dodged the attack from the third boy and he too fell down as a result of the force with which he swung himself at him.

Will also sat on him and delivered countless blows.

By now a few students had gathered around and it attracted the attention of teachers.

"You bastard!" The fat boy cursed and pulled out a small knife from his pocket and made to stab Will.

Unfortunately, Will spotted the knife in time and rolled over on the floor just managing to avoid it.

He sprang on the fat boy and they struggled for the knife. Will pulled the knife and it slipped out of the boy's hand but the boy was cut badly in the process.

Will looked at the boy as he fell down and yelled in pain. He looked at his own hand which was stained with red blood.

He turned back and saw that teachers were already arriving at the scene.

Not good....