You Are My Family

Some years ago…

Anna stretched and yawned as she got out of bed with groggy eyes. She had had the best sleep in weeks and was exceptionally happy to have gotten rid of the pest in the form of Bryan.

It wasn't her effort but it still produced the desired effect and result and she was glad, at least she wouldn't have to worry about him for the next few weeks or probably for the rest of her life!

They would only be meeting at training in which she would make his life a miserable hell and even if he were to drop by the house, she could easily use her authority as his 'teacher' to make him stay away and she could even choose another area for their training exercise.

She also believed that her uncle wouldn't interfere in whatever she made her student do as this was a normal thing for a teacher to give her student errands to run. This provided the best avenue for revenge…which would be served cold!