You Want Me To Spell It Out For You?

Bryan jogged back to his house at Raymond Street while reminiscing about the events that took place some few minutes ago. He had purposefully lied to Will about running all the way from city central because he didn't want the boy to know that he had a house here.

Thinking about it, it was fun to look at the boy's face today. Who would've thought that he was so overprotective of his mother? Then again, he fought at school when some boys called his mother names.

Bryan quickly got in the shower and took warm bath. Regina had yet to deliver the results of the investigations and before then he had nothing much to do except for cycling around old files.

The only motivation he had for going to the station was to see Bernadette and maybe this time she will be rational. He found it difficult to look at her every time and she was becoming a distraction.

He just couldn't tear his eyes away and this was the reason he made it a habit to go to the station every day.