He's A Murderer

Walking down the street, Emily took out her phone and made a call. She was already close to her house so she didn't stop to speak but continued to walk forward.

The call was answered after the third ring followed by a woman's voice on the other end.

"You haven't called in days, what is it?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to check up on you." Emily smiled and answered.

"You want to talk to me or ask me for a favour?"

"Oh, come on… don't make it seem like every time I call you I'm always asking for money."

"I didn't say anything…" the woman on the other end laughed a bit.

"This time it's serious, you might not like it." She informed and took a deep breath. There was a brief silence before she answered.

"Sometimes I wonder why you're my daughter; you keep bringing bad news…"

"It's not my fault okay? Do you want to hear it or not?" Emily asked, slightly impatient.

"Do I have a choice?"