Who Emily Is

Bryan slowly opened his eyes and looked around. His body felt like it had weights tied about it and he felt some pain in his body. He tried to move but he had been tied to a chair, he glanced around and found Bernadette sitting quietly.

She was watching him as he tried to untie himself. "Don't bother with that, I've tried all means."

"Where are we? What did they do to you?" he asked when he saw the dried up blood on her face and clothes. She had a bruise on her lower jaw and some cuts on her arms; her hair which was tied up was now tangled together in a mess.

"I don't know, I woke up a few minutes ago." She replied with a wince, her ribs were killing her.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." He said without looking at her face. He felt it was his fault and he was sure that he was the target.

"Stop saying nonsense, it isn't your fault."

"It is, I have too many enemies and I know they had come for me but you were there…"