Gael Hanson = Jordan Wayne

Bryan mulled over the information and found that there were parts that didn't even add up. First, if the fake Gael walked into the fire and died then how could the real Gael use this as a decoy to do his despicable acts? He needed someone to back him up right?

Right, the very fact that he changed his face and name means that he was able to go about undetected. No wonder all the efforts by the police to trace him had proved futile. They were looking for a dead man!

"Let me get this straight," Bryan said and cast glance at the lady next to him, "Gael changed his face and name after Angelina died?"

"We're not clear about that but what we found through the investigation was that the surgery was around the time he was involved in a murder case…the third on…

"But we have some pointers to the fact that the surgery was only completed months ago which means it should be when Angelina died."