Silent Torture

Somewhere Unknown…

A lean man with a muscular build sat in his comfortable sofa with his red wine in hand. He had a sharp jaw line with black hair which was in contrast to his white beard that was trimmed.

His eyes darted around the room as he sipped his drink in a romantic manner… in this case the bottle was the object of romance. His eyes were clear and cold and he emitted an aura of authority and power.

It was worth noting that he liked drinking his wine from the bottle. It was too troublesome to get the glasses and he only did that when he had a guest which was near zero per year.

The music playing added to the relaxing mood and he closed his eyes a bit and gulped down the content in the bottle. On the table there were several cigarette buds and judging by his figure it was hard to believe that he had smoked them all.

He had a wrist watch and a ring on his left hand and these things were worth millions of dollars if not more. This was the life.