An Impossible Partnership

Walter waited for the uproar to cease but it was taking too long so he just helped himself and sat down in his rightful seat. His smile ever present as he took in the faces of the board members and the face of the potential investor, Mr Lee.

"What's the meaning of this?" Gary Mason bellowed and stood up in fury, "this isn't a place for children, who let you in here?"

Walter smiled childishly, "I'm here for the meeting."

Gary took a deep breath and exhaled before saying, "get up from the seat young man. I don't care if you're the son of Christopher or not."

"Oh, you should care because this company belongs to me and by the end of this meeting most of you will be jobless."

Mr Lee was particularly amused by this and smiled mockingly. He had expected a challenge but not a clown show. What was this? This boy was what? Six?