Share Transfer

Camille, Tori and the other member who had been silent since the beginning were the ones pointed out for a sack letter.

It was outrageous. Who was he to bypass protocol and fire them? You don't just fire a board member like that and one who held the company's shares at that! He had to be insane.

"Kid, you're too young to understand this. You can't just fire them…"

"I'm not firing them." Walter shrugged, "didn't you listen when I said that by the end of today most of you will lose your jobs? Or when Mr Hugo said that someone was buying seats here? They will resign by themselves."

Mr Lee was even more shocked than Camille and they exchanged looks of disbelieve. This boy had some guts and even a bag of nerves!

  "You're still too young to take such responsibilities." Gary stated with a sigh.