The Best Day At A Friendly Cafe

"Why shouldn't I make my boyfriend tea with extra sugar?" Maria shot back equally angry too.

"Can you stop calling me that?" Bryan said a bit pissed off at her antics, was she trying to put him in trouble?

"You heard him tough girl," Bernadette used her index finger to tap her shoulder, "get someone else to make my boyfriend's tea!"

"I'll make his tea personally," Maria insisted and turned to Bryan, "do you need sugar or not?"

"Just bring tea with low sugar." He finally said and Maria left but she was mouthing something at Bernadette that she couldn't understand. She slammed her hand on the table before sitting down again then she turned to Bryan who was massaging his forehead.

She said seductively, "Bryan, honey, I think we should go now. I've seen enough."

Bryan agreed but for some reason he said, "Let's get our tea first before leaving, okay?"