Making A Deal With An Expert

Loud music was blaring from the corner and the others were gathered in groups as they waited for the next ten minutes break. Some had beers in their hands while others were simply looking at their 'babies' with great affection making sure that they were in good condition.

The night racers really treated their bikes with a lot of love except that they wouldn't also hesitate to put them in the crash just to prove a point after all, this was a game. A way of unwinding after a hard day's work. This wasn't pro racing and the little committee set up to handle the affairs here was just for the sake of it.

Anyone could take part in the race provided they came with their bikes or signed a contract and borrowed a bike from the committee promising to pay for any damages. The only restraints was that only ten people could race at a time and with some people being determined to race all ten rounds it made it difficult for the others to get in on the action.