A Mask Under The Mask

Bryan told her everything about the case and his suspicions. After his speech he saw that Bernadette didn't have much of a reaction on her face so he asked, "What is wrong?"

"Nothing, just curious," she said and asked, "Why do you want my help? This doesn't seem as difficult as you make it sound."

Bryan sighed, "I know but I need your expertise in getting information." How could he forget how this woman was able to pull out information about Gael Hanson and was also able to track down Dr Neil?

He knew that she had sources he wasn't aware of and he didn't want to push either; he too had his own secret sources. With her on board this case will be over in three days or so. He would ask for Regina's help in tracking down the man digitally but then again the hacker officer had been sick for two days now.

"Uh, so you do recognise my talents." She beamed.

"That and I want us to spend some time together solving this puzzle." He grinned at her.