Not Like Other Women

Jason arrived at Regina's house around 8 o'clock that evening. He had stayed with Bryan at the station for a while before leaving. He had called her earlier to inform her that he was coming over and she had agreed.

He knocked on the door and it took a while before she opened up. She had returned home from the hospital today and he wanted to be among the first to visit her. She had done a good job covering her illness but he too had his sources.

The door opened revealing Regina in a blue pyjama.  She had a red scarf on her head while her face looked a little pale but she was fine.

"Hey, I brought some cookies." He smiled handing her the box.

She accepted it with a smile and let him in, "thanks for coming over. I've been pretty busy. Sorry I didn't cook."

"You don't have to cook for me." He shrugged off his jacket and sat down.

"Right. Do you want tea?"