Will You Accept Me?

"That's the reason why I couldn't tell you more about myself because there was nothing to tell. Ruth has no story and no background at all. She's a fake that I created months ago so I could come here without being detected.

"I never thought that I'd meet someone like you and that I'd fall so deeply in love with you that I had to come clean. I saw nothing wrong with what I did so I went on with it." She paused and considered her confession carefully.

Yes it was a confession but it a bitter-sweet confession which came at a very wrong time. She had never felt this way for anyone else but now that she did she had to say these things to him and it could possibly drive him away.

She bit her lips and with tears in her eyes she continued, "I was scared of telling you because I was afraid that you'd misunderstand and think that I purposefully lied to you all this while. I'm very sorry for this."