Morning 1

With a groan Jason turned on his belly as he slapped the alarm hard in order to get it to stop. He was enjoying his beauty sleep and didn't want to be disturbed since it was pretty rare for someone like him to have the time to even have a beauty sleep.

The alarm, like an obedient servant, stopped ringing and he was about to drift off to wonderland but then his phone rang. Another groan escaped his lips as he threw the covers away and got up. He grabbed the phone hoping to lash out at whoever was disturbing his beauty sleep.

The caller ID was unknown so he became a bit cautious, "Hello?"

"Jason?" the other person spoke up and seemed to be hesitating a bit. He vaguely recognised the voice despite his grogginess.

"Jason? Are you there?" the voice asked again.

He took a bit of time to reply, "How are you doing?"