Classic Arrest

The police van arrived at the house belonging to Murphy Lockwell. All the officers who came along hopped out and surrounded the whole area with their weapons in hand.

The team entered the house and searched but didn't find the man they came for. They also had a search warrant with them so they took liberty and turned his house upside down searching for clues that they could pick up.

Bryan seeing this gave directions to the other officers to follow him, "we need to find the man before he leaves the city. Collins inform the officers stationed at the airport to keep an eye out, while two of you follow me to the helipad just a few metres away, we have a bug to fry."

Jason turned to him, "aren't you going to search this place with me?"

"No, our target is gone and we have what it takes to capture Camille but one thing bothers me. What does she have on the old man that he's so interested in protecting?"