Almost Too Easy

Camille Crow's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the man that was just led in. Why was he here? She thought he had escaped long ago but here he was and in chains for that matter.

She gritted her teeth, "I thought you asshole escaped the city, how did they get you?"

If he had successfully left the city then there would be no evidence linking her to the crimes but now that he was here she had to either accept the blame or go down the hard way. She balled her fists as her heart beat increased tenfold.

Bryan smiled maniacally, "it appears you know each other but save it till when the real interrogation starts. I'll see who will break first."

Bernadette slammed her fist into the table and toppled the glasses of water that had been placed there for the two and howled, "start talking or I'll break your face."