Odd Relationship

The next morning, Maria woke up with an unusual headache and her body was aching like crazy. It had been a long time since she had it like this but she was glad that she could still walk around.

Her hair was messy and her clothes were crumpled up a bit. She tried to remember what had happened last night but wasn't able to. All she knew was that she had a drink because she was sad, angry and scared.

She still remembered Fred's confession and the kiss. Yes, they were vividly etched into her mind and it gave her nightmares. How could she have had no clues? How could she not figure it out from the beginning? Was this the reason he was against her relationships and tended to be possessive?

It scared her to think about it. It made her heart race a thousand miles per hour when she remembered that her lips were locked with his in a somewhat passionate kiss that even she couldn't resist. Did she enjoy it? Did she wish for more?