Foul Play

  The next morning, Bryan arrived at the station with a new renewed strength. He went to the coffee area for his usual cup of morning tea and then went to his desk.

Along the way though, he met Regina who looked like she hadn't slept at all last night. He leaned over her desk, "are you okay? You look like you were up all night."

"I was on a mid-night date and stuff happened." She nodded tiredly. She had spent all night cleaning after herself after James infiltration. She had to be very careful so as not to leave any trace behind. It was kind of fun to see the expert cyber securities at the hospital struggle over control with her.

It had taken them a bit of effort to get James out of that place and she knew that the ladder didn't actually reach the ground floor. She had to find another way and long story short; it took more effort from her in order to get him through the ground floor while going through equipment rooms and all.