Anxiety Fatigue

The next day came and Bernadette had yet report any findings to Bryan. The latter had no choice but to leave it as it was until the information he needed was obtained.

On the other hand, James had been called over to get the result of the test he had ordered. The people working on it had put in more effort to get it done in time. He took the report and read through it then closed it and left.

He returned to the station later and quickly went to find Bryan and Bernadette. He showed them the report and watched as their expressions morphed into surprise and horror.

"How is this possible?" Bernadette asked with her mouth hanging open.

"This is proof enough for us to take action." Bryan added. The report showed that the guards were indeed drugged and the drug was found in their blood. They went further to add that this could be possible if the drug was administered like an injection.