An encounter with an arch enemy

5p.m. that evening

Bruce stood by the side of the road with a small bag in his hand. His car just had a break down and he had to take a cab just to get the groceries. Right now he was looking for another cab back home.

The kids were at home and probably playing right now. Taking care of them alone, Bruce came to realise, was a huge task.

Rachael's mother had reached out to help him take care of them but he was hesitant even up till now. He didn't want to separate from his children and he also didn't want to leave them in the care of a woman who could plot the murder of her own child.

Even Brat had visited just this afternoon though he didn't stay long. Their constant visits only aimed to remind Bruce more of what he'd lost rather than provide comfort. He sighed deeply at the thought of this.

He lifted his hand to flag down a cab but out of nowhere a black limousine pulled over by his side and the door opened revealing who was inside.