Deja vu?

I woke up at 8:00 am since I had made the decision to quit my job as a sales operator, while I was getting up I was looking at that great sun that illuminated my window, after raising a nice meow he made me look at the couch that faced the dressing table and I noticed how beautiful cat Sam was saying good morning to me.

While I was saying *good morning* I remembered my dream and it left me pensive, I decided that for now I would forget about it and it entered my schedule for today, so I quickly got out of the shower where after drying my body and hair I got dressed and decided to prepare breakfast, I served Sam his food and from there I washed my hands to eat mine.

After eating I copied to Esther saying that I would go to put my resignation and from there I would start looking for a space for the art exhibition, then I went quickly to the parking lot of the residences and drove to the Clarece Tower where we came with kitchen products; when I got there I greeted the guard with love and I promised to invite him for a coffee because inside it was cold, my ex boss had a mania to keep the whole building almost cold, which I did not like at all.

From there I took the left side where human resources was and explained to them that I was going to resign for various reasons, the first was for a more accessible job, second for my brother who was returning to the country and helping him and third for my own health, since due to the excessive cold I had to go to the doctor often for intermediate colds and have to work even having a fever.

What did not count was that my now ex-boss was listening to everything in a nearby office and he told me

Mr. Germán: so you're leaving us, but unfortunately you can't, so decide: are we going to trial or are you still at work?.

Me: What, that's abuse of power, besides I'm not your employee, here's my letter of resignation and according to your work policy you don't talk about that, but if you want to go to trial I accept.

Mr. Germán: You are crazy but I agree, I hope you get a great lawyer. -laughs-

I left in a rage from human resources and went to the girls to get coffee for Mr. Luis the security guard, upon arrival everyone knew about my debate with Mr. Germán and some laughed and others supported me in that it was illegal, I was angry because all this was not adjusting my agenda and I had to go to the Law Tower to talk to my brother's friend who had his firm there. I calmly put down my coffee, holding my anger, but it was so obvious that many people avoided me.

When I arrived at the Tower I greeted the guards and went straight to the elevator just going to the 10th floor where the lawyer was John Salvatore labor, was a partner of Gabriel from the same university, to get to talk to his secretary and wait patiently, this to see me not hesitate to serve me and even more to see my face of discomfort, so when I entered his office I showed him by my mail all the evidence while I told him what happened, the advantage of having a brother in law was that I knew a little of what was fair and unfair and he was more than an abuse.

After thanking him and changing our numbers, I went to the cafeteria that they had nearby and asked for a frappuccino while John's secretary took out some signed and sealed copies that I should take with me. I asked her to please take out other copies that were for the art exhibition, so when I had everything I decided to go down and go to the other places in my agenda.

While I was waiting for the elevator I drank some of my coffee while savoring the chocolate, when I opened the doors I went in calmly and dialed PB, since I had not left the car in the basement but in the entrance, as I was distracted again in my dream I said to myself in a low voice *I feel that this looks like my dream, how strange* I did not hear the doors open and when I was about to leave I tripped over something, I cared that John's documents were fine, so I checked them quickly without noticing that someone was talking to me.

When I finally paid attention to a man's voice and when I looked at him my face turned red with grief and as I detailed it I said to myself ? This man I've seen before or is it déjà vu ? when I reacted I told him that my clothes didn't matter, so I quickly got up and apologized and went to the Lord of cleanliness.

When the cleaning man saw me wet with coffee, I said to myself

Mr. Cleaner: Young lady, are you all right? why is it all wet with coffee?.

Me: I am very sorry, I know you and the others are trying hard to keep it clean, it's just that because I was distracted I tripped over that gentleman and the coffee spilled, please excuse me.

Lord of cleanliness: -observe the Lord I say and just smile- oh! It was with Mr. Resident, do not worry young lady, I clean it.

Me: I really apologize and thank you very much.

From there I left and managed to make an appointment with Mrs. Rosa Acker with whom I agreed to rent me a space for the paintings.