My partner and friend John Salvatore

When I arrived at the 10th floor, I calmed down my laughter, Cristina told John about my arrival and asked me what kind of coffee I wanted.

John: I had time without seeing that gesture. To whom or what is this face due?.

Me: well... something curious happened when I was about to enter the elevator.

John: I see, and to make you happier I will give you another reason to be happy, yesterday I spoke with Gabriel after he spoke with his sister and he told me that tomorrow he would arrive, around noon but... He wants to give his sister a surprise.

Me: Excellent to know that, then your space is already more than ready, we really did well in signing contracts and that you support not only the employees but my whole building, I am really happy to have friends like you.

John: come on, stop playing the sycophant and tell me what happened this time, so that you come today and more at this time because it is due.

Me: quiet routine things and more than my secretary is three months pregnant, I have in mind to find a substitute and help her until she is five or six months pregnant and that's why I came.

John: Okay I will help you with that, but I will not be able to give you my hundred percent.

Me: Who are you cheating with? -I ask in mockery mode-

John: Ha funny, behaving like a man of forty and not a child of ten -uncomfortable- the truth is that I am going to help a client by abusing her power.

Me: you have piqued my curiosity, how do I abuse power?.

John: her former boss still believes her boss and threatened to sue her if she continued to want to quit, according to her contract there is nothing like that stipulated in any of the articles they reflect in the contract; furthermore she made a very detailed letter of resignation explaining the reasons for her withdrawal, which seems to me to be very well elaborated.

Me: what a lout, but what is she working on?.

John: curiosity killed the cat eh!

Me: come on, tell me.

John: -laughs- she's a TV operator, although she worked in several areas, sales of kitchen products, warranties, claims and customer service.

Knowing all this amazed me, but I know that even if I could see his resume or would not let me do so, according to the policy of confidentiality he should not go anything, but when he was stuck only to me and Gabriel told him certain things, although logically we were his confidants and more than deshogo we owed him as a counselor. After that I waited for him to have lunch and go over the details of my secretary, I wanted to be fair in every way I could.

After going to the restaurant I went back to the office and told my team that I would look for a substitute secretary to help Amanda in the parts and more movement, if they knew of someone suitable they would pass on the information and from there I would interview those interested.

After going to the field and seeing how the projects were going I decided to go home and freshen up although I didn't know why I couldn't get the woman out of my mind, so after the bath I close my eyes for a while and said out loud

Me: I feel that I have seen it before but... Where?.

While thinking and nothing falling from where, I decided to take a walk and enjoy the sunset, or I know for a bookstore and a book called my attention "telepathic connections", I looked at the cover and curiously gave me ideas but for the project of Stephen, so I took the notes and then decided to shape them.

Then I continued walking until I found a sign that said "art exhibition, painter Ricardo Constantine", then I decided to take a picture and see the space, I watched how two women mounted the paintings and arranged everything in a way that each one would stand out without overshadowing the others, one was a tall blond hair and the other was a reddish-brown hair a little lower, I watched how the girl in the black shirt was the one who guided everything.

Because of the distance I didn't detail her well, but for some reason I couldn't stop looking at her so I decided to observe her until the tall girl with blond hair and a navy blue shirt talked to the other one and looked right in my direction.