Who is following whom?

After returning to the car I looked for some towels to dry the papers a bit and my body, although I was wearing a thick but warm shirt, was easy to dry. Upon reviewing everything I decided to call Ricardo and let him know that I was going to meet him because I had a setback.

He was only laughing because I was telling him the details of the odyssey, he was telling me not to worry and he was waiting for me in the cafeteria, so I decided to save everything and look for a free way to arrive on time to the scheduled meeting; finally I arrived to the cafeteria and I took out the copies that I had asked John's secretary before, as soon as I sat down I opened the folder and separated the documents of my work and his and from there I passed him the brochures and invitations that I had created.

He pointed to the documents with coffee stains and I told him

Me: long story Ricardo, leave it at that.

Ricardo: you're kidding, right, these papers look important.

Me: -sighing- well... I went to my old job and I took a bad bitter pill, I really don't want to talk about it, excuse me.

Ricardo: don't worry, nothing happens, but I think you should ask for the copies again since they are all stained. -showing me me one all wet-

Me: What, there is no.... Oh Gods, let me call him and warn him.

I decided to call him at his office but he had already left for a meeting and then lunch, so I decided to leave him the message and explain what had happened, she very calmly agreed to let him know as soon as she returned, but I had to come back tomorrow for them, I apologized and thanked her.

After a while I talked with him and agreed to go to Mrs. Acker, so I waited for Laura and we went to where she had a free space, she agreed to give us about 5 days of exhibition in her free space, so we went to get the paintings and the banner to put the outside of the premises.

Then we brought Laura's car with the paintings and decided to mount them one by one, while I took them out of the car she put up the banner for an exhibition tomorrow from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

We already had a great advance, while we were fixing them I was watching that each one stood out without overshadowing the others, after a few minutes Laura told me

Laura: it looks great, it's amazing how you play with the paintings.

Me: no way, your husband is excellent in art, I just make them keep their natural charm, I don't do anything in itself.

After hearing the laughter I notice that he says there is someone outside and he is looking carefully over here, but he doesn't know if he sees the paintings or me. I just smiled and told him that the paintings were the safest thing, but seeing her distracted made me want to turn my head and notice the man.

When seeing it detailed I say to myself *it cannot be, he is the man of before, I believe *noticed as it did not turn aside the sight and while it has the thousand questions to me Laura decided to speak with that mysterious man, after letting imagine strange things I decided to approach and to help me to Laura, when as soon as I approach I hear

Laura: I see so she likes to take pictures, I wouldn't get mad if she takes pictures and advertises them, but... that will have to be discussed with her. -guiding her eyes towards me-

Mr. Resident: oh so this lady is in charge of it, although I feel that she is following me. -first glance-

Me: What, follow him.... It won't be the other way around; leaving that aside, I'm the one in charge of taking the photos and displaying them in my networks with the motivation of inviting others and just by showing this photo - showing the brochure- they will be able to use it as an entry pass.

Laura: Do you know each other?.

Mr. Resident and I: No!

Me: only... we have coincided in some places.

Mr. Resident: So, common places.

My slightly uncomfortable look made him laugh and then say goodbye by promising to come to the exhibition and as he was leaving he said

Mr. Resident: I know that at least you won't catch a cold, so that leaves me with peace of mind.

I could only blush but being a little uncomfortable at the same time, I entered saying? Who do you think you are?.

Laura: it will be my idea or I smell chemistry.

Me: nonsense.

I helped her to finish fixing everything; and from there we went for some lamps where the lighting is not very strong but dim and can create a welcoming atmosphere at night.

When I had everything ready, I made a notice to all my networks, warning that everything was ready for the great morning of the artist Ricardo Constantine.