The search for papers and the date of demand

After what happened with that man Laura kept saying that we were compatible, while she sighed and commented that those were her ideas and that she should focus on her husband and the exhibition for Wednesday, she could only laugh and in a funny way said

Laura: as ordered by my captain. -smile-

Me: come on, let's stop that and finish setting up these last three, and from there we'll go for a drink.

In fact, we arranged everything and covered the glass so that no one would see or want to steal the paintings, so we put everything away and I locked the door and the gate with the keys.

While we were walking in the opposite direction to the café, since Laura wanted to go to a bookstore to buy some things, when I got there I decided to wait outside and see the exhibition books and there was one that had practically stung my curiosity "telepathic connections", what I didn't count on was that when Laura left she told me

Laura: I have the book in case you are interested, we can go get it after the coffee and you can take it home; my curiosity was really stronger so I agreed to the deal, as it was getting late to go home I told Laura that the coffees would be to go, as I would be very late home, she agreed without asking much and then I left the coffees near my house and from there I took a shortcut to the road I always take to go home.

I got there quickly in spite of everything, even though it was already 9 o'clock: 30 pm, I didn't like to get home too late or be in a rut for too long, so while I was relaxing I prepared a nice pasta with ground meat and bechamel sauce for dinner, drinking a peach tea, after serving myself I went to the table and turned on the TV and heard the news, but I decided to change it and watch a series that was on called "The Swordsman's Revenge", it was with Koranic actors and its plot was very good.

After the delicious dinner and the excellent series I decided to take a bath and relax, but without first copying Gabriel asking him about his day and when he was coming, after copying those lines I went to the shower and took a bath in fresh water since the day had not been very cold.

After going out and while I was drying my long and tangled hair I called Gabriel by video conference and I informed him about the situation that was happening with my old job, as it was logical he was furious and that I had to thank my ex-boss for not being here or I would give him his beating; after calming his hurricane of anger he told me

Gabriel: I am sorry, sister, I still do not have a date to return, there was a small setback, and I will let you know when I will return, so do not despair.

Me: Gabo, that sounds easy but it is not, although I promise that I will try to stay calm.

Gabriel: promised.

Me: promised. -smiling-

After the call I hung up while I went to the room to finish drying my hair and read the book for a while, close to bed time I decided to mark where I had stayed and put the book on the night table, from there I turned on my cell phone and activated the alarm to wake up early.

In the morning I woke up early as usual and had a quick breakfast, since I had a free agenda today and decided to rest and stay home, so I got dressed and went downstairs to avoid hitting traffic and called John to let him know I was coming and that if I needed to bring anything else, after telling me I didn't start the car and got out, there was no traffic, so I was able to get to the building quickly and go up to the 10th floor.

When I got there I saw a man dressed in a jovial way but he still looked elegant, as I watched him he made me feel that I knew him, I looked at him until the secretary came out with John and I said

Me: I came early as you asked, I hope, and it has caused you trouble in getting the papers out again.

John: don't worry, it wasn't your fault but that fool who doesn't notice anything. -uncomfortable-

I: eh! I feel that he is angry. -confuse-

John: don't listen to me, you know I will always help you, if you need anything else don't hesitate to tell me.

When I was about to say goodbye, my cell phone rang and in a loud tone I said my ex-boss, John, when he heard me, asked me to answer in a loud voice, and after saying

Me: hello, good morning.

Unknown voice: very good morning Miss Katyana, my name is Darío Álvarez and I am Germán's lawyer, I want to talk to his lawyer.

John: Darío how long, who would say that our reunion would be with our clients, have you read the employee contract?.

Darío: Wow, what a life thing and to answer your question it is logical that I have read it, and what my client claims is nothing abusive or illegal, besides as I understand she started a job before she quit.

John: -smiles- you should look for better informants, she is not currently working as she is helping her school friend who is studying art and wants to sell her paintings and make herself known, as she does not have any work contract with them, but will receive a small payment for her services.

Darío: -laughs- if they pay him, because without a signed and sealed contract nothing is worth while.

John: you're wrong again, since I talked to the painter and he showed me a contract he has for her and will give her to sign in the next few days.

Darío just kept quiet and I was left with a face of a huge what, when Darío saw that he could not claim to that he said that they had already spoken to make the trial within 6 days at 8: 30 am. He also gave a slight threat to be punctual and not waste his or his client's time.

After that John told me not to worry and that he would explain everything to me later, from there he apologized and left with the man. After a while I decided to leave and I thanked John's secretary for all her patience. From there I called the elevator and I was attentive as I went in and out of the elevator to avoid a future accident.

After leaving the building I got into the car and closed the door to accommodate everything and from there I went home, again without any traffic and that was more than excellent; I got home and when I entered the parking lot I saw a bird that was injured and I decided to get closer and see what was happening to it, when I saw that it was not straightening its grip carefully and I noticed that its wing was broken.

I carefully grabbed everything and closed the car well, from there I went up to the elevator and marked the 5th floor and from there I opened the door of the house, put the papers on the table and looked for a cloth to put the bird on, I took off my coat because I was no longer cold and then I took the cloth where the bird was and took it to the vet.