The Dating That's Not Dating

When I saw her leave I had the feeling that something was not right, so I decided to observe her, until I noticed how her left hand was all red, I looked at the floor where we fell and I didn't see any blood, so while I crossed cautiously and arrived at the apartment, I decided to make a memory by being already inside the elevator to get to the 5th floor, I must admit that she really didn't weigh, in fact I can assure you that she tried not to do her weight on me, and that's when I said to myself "I see, so that's what happened", clearly when I arrived and Gabo saw my appearance he said

Gabriel: what the hell happened to you, you look like you've hit something.

Me: it's nothing, I just didn't see where I was going.

Gabriel: are you all right? it's just that he noticed that you were laughing about something.

Me: no, it's just your ideas .... Stop worrying.

I decided to go to the room and change my clothes for something more comfortable and from there take the dirty clothes to the laundry basket to wash them tomorrow. The advantage of my apartment was that I had bought the whole piece, it looked almost like a house, it had noise insulation because I remodeled the apartment myself, but I don't complain about the expenses incurred, since here apart from my house is my other office.


It was already Wednesday and the weekend had been more than relaxing, I didn't want to tell Gabo what was happening today, even though his sister had already called him on Sunday and said about the art exhibition, Gabo asked me to come and he will record, so I told him that I already had an invitation from before, he could only laugh and tell me that he will invite the kids.

In part I thought it was a good idea, not only to see the paintings but to see that this girl was a rebel, but then I said to myself "no because with them she will behave like a princess... besides, they will ruin my plans", as I could arrive a little late I decided to choose the clothes calmly for the work and the night.

So after dressing and eating I went to work, to see how the project of a spa was going, which had to be modified, if more would be needed or if we would have enough for other future works.

My whole morning was spent in the meeting where we had to expand and because, already after the meeting that ended at 1:00 pm, the kids went to pick me up for lunch; as I found this meeting strange I decided to go to the point and ask

Me: What's going on?.

They: nothing.... We're just going to eat.

Me: I know you, you love something, tell me what it is.

Lucas: promise not to get angry.

Hector: we'll tell you there, let's eat.

In fact, as I sensed they were up to something and the mastermind of this plan was Gabo, he told the kids to come with me to this exhibition and they showed me their printed invitations; I was partly uncomfortable but then I told them

Me: do what you want.

They: Bravo we have permission.

Me: They look like children.

After that I returned to work and at 4:00 pm, I decided to go home to take a bath and prepare for the night, after arriving the kids were already in the house and talking about the food of Australia and more, as soon as I entered John and Gabo looked at me in a curious way and I again to cut that thorn I say

I: can know, why do they see me like this?.

Lucas: listen Cesarc how much time has passed already, the boys and I are worried, we think that you should give love a chance again.

Me: no way, I don't repeat that, no way.

Gabriel: because you don't have a date with my sister, she is also the same or worse than you.

Me: Ha, did your partner steal money from you and leave after a three-year relationship?.

Gabriel: -sort of angry and sad looking- that guy left her on the wedding day, hours before the wedding as she had a panic attack and left, leaving my sister waiting in the church.

John: I don't think it was a relationship in a hurry.

Gabriel shakes his head and comments that it was a 5 year relationship, where they came to live together for a while to be sure of that step; I just stayed pensive and decided to call it a day.

While I was taking a shower I did not understand why I imagined her crying, I did not understand how I could see it so clear since I have never seen her like that, it was true that my relationship next to hers was a silly one, but even so it was a wound that took time to heal even though it had already been two years.

I couldn't stop thinking about it and decided to just forget about it and get dressed to go out, when I was ready. I no longer asked them to record the exhibition so as not to feel lonely and to support it in a discreet way.

We left on foot since it was not very far, only 5 blocks from my house to the exhibition place, when I passed by the bookstore I saw the book again, I stopped and had the impulse to buy it, so I asked her to wrap it up so she wouldn't see the book, from there we continued until we saw a small line and asked what was going on.

Lady: oh! The girls had a setback with the lights and asked us to leave for safety.

I approached without telling the boys and when I was right in front I saw that the lights were already on and when she saw it she noticed her wrist and left hand with a bandage, that had given me the reason that she carried all her weight in that hand and then she lost her balance when she took off on top of me. For a moment I felt guilty, but I had to come up with an apology.

When I saw her coming towards the door I saw how she smiled and when she opened it she came out and said

Kat: thank you very much and I'm sorry for the delay, the light is a little dimmer, but you'll be able to see the paintings anyway, the problem wasn't serious, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

When I saw that he was looking at me he just smiled and went in; When she entered, a boy came out who made people enter again and welcomed them, when it was our turn we gave our tickets and entered, he looked for her with his eyes while the boys were filming and taking pictures, after about 20 minutes he returned to us and said

Kat: Welcome and thank you for taking the time to look at these beautiful paintings.

Hector: Excuse me miss, you don't mind if we record and take pictures.

Kat: Not at all, please go ahead, but remember to mention that the painter is Ricardo Constantine.

Lucas: thank you very much, miss.

Kat: it's a pleasure.... I'm happy to see you again, I hope you like the paintings.

Mysterious voice: Katyana.... Katyana.

Katyana: excuse me, Laura is calling me.

Seeing that elegant and humble facet made me want to admire the more and more forgetting that the kids were recording everything.