My misfortune has a name and surname

When I returned home I managed to disinfect the wound, after washing my hand well, I disinfected it and to avoid itching or further injury I chose to bandage it, sometimes I could not stand the itching and I looked for something soft to relieve that sensation, Saturday and Sunday were quiet because I only stayed home watching movies, I changed the bandages to avoid infection, but the wound took a while to heal and I did not blame it since it was right in the palm of the hand.

On Monday morning I woke up as usual at 7:00 am, I decided to run a little close to home and from there take a bath for breakfast and go to the vet to see the tile next. After the exercise and the shower I decided to have breakfast at 8:30 am, I had some laziness of preparing something elaborate, so I made some sandwiches of ham, cheese and mayonnaise.

I went down quickly to the vet, she was already better and a little more recovered, her levels were fine, but they still didn't know if she could fly again, I told them I would take care of her until she was ready. The truth was that I was not afraid to adopt her and make her my partner, although I could not deny that it hurt because her flying condition was a "maybe".


Lucerito may not have flown, but she was very active, especially when it came to food. Thanks to YouTube videos, I was able to build her a little house with stairs and access to her bed, food and water; she kept her toys close at hand in case she wanted to play.

Around that time I dressed in a semi-formal way, some jeans attached to my body in black with small gold and silver buttons and a silver-colored shirt, as it was long sleeves I didn't need a jacket or coat.

I said goodbye to Lucero and went down to the parking lot where I started the car and got out, took a shortcut to the road and from there another detour to be closer to the exhibition site, when I got there Laura had just arrived, minutes after closing everything I went to greet Laura and help her open. Not even 15 minutes passed and several guests had already arrived. I received their invitations and made them come in.

Laura told me that the lights were not working properly and for security reasons I asked the guests to wait outside. When I was about to return with the guests I saw him and partly wanted to smile but I had to keep my posture.

While I was talking with the guests I noticed how he followed me and that made me curious, it was strange but I think it was his way of studying my way of being and personality; then I decided to go and talk to him and accept that they will take pictures and record.

When she finally arrived at Laura's place, she told me that Layla had called her to warn her that she would soon be arriving, in reality I missed that she would only call me for that and more with that voice that something was happening, I sensed something strange but Laura didn't say anything.

After talking a little while I noticed how he would stand next to me and say

Resident: I admit that you have many facets, you can see that you are in your element.

Me: oh! so you admit you were wrong to judge me, that flatters me.... Tell me, what does this painting convey to you?.

Resident: the first thing I notice is tranquility, it makes you feel as if you were at the beach and just let yourself be carried away by its sounds, now in regards to the painting it is incredible, it is as if I really felt there.

Me: it is very beautiful. -smiled-

I led him to several paintings and asked him the same thing, and near the first paintings I heard Ricardo ask Laura

Ricardo: What did Layla really tell you?.

Laura: -sighing- she told me that she had talked to Felipe and that she missed Katy.

Ricardo: It's better that we don't tell her or she won't be able to concentrate.

When I heard that my gesture changed from joy to anger, but I had to control myself and after a few short breaths I pretended to be fine and continued talking to Resident to the point of forgetting what I had heard.

I agree to go and see, apologizing to a future buyer and guiding her to Laura to buy the painting. When I finally left my gesture was a mixture of astonishment and anger

Me: What the hell are you doing here?.

Philip: I came back for you, I did wrong and I'm sorry, I panicked.

Me: you want to lower your voice, to be making a fuss about something you killed.