Chapter 3

I found my twin brother frowning at me when i went home.He is seating in the couch while playing with his cellphone like a spinner.

"What did i do to you?"I ask and place my bag in the center table before seating beside him.

"I searching you in the whole school 'cause i hate commuting and then to find out from a friend of mine that you are with the school nurse as you go out the school."

"And do so?What is your problem with that?"I ask as my forehead knotted.

"Are you kidding me?Did you just forget that i don't have my car.You should atleast wait me in the parking lot."

"Oh sorry with that.By the way,i hate your taste buds for girls.You are so cheap brother mine.You should date those daughter of our investors,models,you know.Something like that."He roll his eyes before eyeing me.

"Where that came from?How 'bout you.You should see yourself."

"Nah.I'm good for varsity players.Fame.And the girl earlier, i don't like her.Why dating her in the firs place.You should might as well date Keziah.She been into you since then."that make his face an crummy expression.

"Are you kidding me here?Keziah is a one of those crazy girl out there.C'mon she is no good."Why he hate Keziah?Her family is our family friend.We live in the same circle in the buisness world.She is a perfect pacqkage.

"Why not.She is almost perfect,Zeus.Your girls will just look like a little rat beside her.One more thing,she is just into you so you it's a win-win game."

"That's the thing.We have our deal.It can wait,we nearly see our diploma."

"So does that mean..."I trailed with a tease.

"Shut it up, Xei." He said while glaring at me.I raise my two hand, signature that i am already surrendering.

"Chill, brother mine.I said nothing.I know nothing."

"You shut your mouth, Alixia."

"Yeah, yeah.Whatever.I'm just upstairs, call me if you need something." I take my bag with me and climb the stairs.

I change my clothes before i seated in my study table just beside my bed.I need to read more books.After graduating as a medtech i want to continue my study to be a neurosurgeon someday.Me and Alexus already talk about it and he want to be a general surgeon.Study first before something else.

"Come in."I shout when i heard a knock.

"Xia,you have a visitor down stairs."The maid said.My forehead knotted.I don't expecting one.

"Alright tell him or her---wait me."She nod and close the door.

"Who would visit me?"I ask in the air.Last time i check,i don't have friends who would bother to visit me.

As i go down the stairs I can't help but frown.I heard my brother's loud laugh and a familiar girl's voice.

"Xia!"She greeted me when she turn her head and saw me.A wide smile form in my lips.

"Elizabeth!"We hug each other as if there is no tommorow.Elizabeth is my cousin in my mother side.She is my mother niece,so yeah.

"It's nice to see you here."

"Yeah right,Xei.You too,still look oozing hot."

"U-huh.Tell to the girl who is a model."

"That's run in our blood."We glared at Alexus when he fake laugh.

"You're creating a typhoon girls.Typhoon of boastfulness."We both roll are eyes to him.

"Bad Zeus.Just stating the fact."Then seated in the single couch beside Zeus and cross her legs.I seated in the single couch in her front.

"So what's the news Elizabeth,why are you here?"I ask and take a glass of grapes flavored juice that the maid serve.

"Cause i miss you guys.Good thing that i have a photoshoot here in london.You two should visit Philippines,Grandma and Grandpa already miss you."Mom's grandparents stay in the Philippines for good even they have the big house in Germany.

"We miss them too.Maybe when we graduate?And that is soon."

"Advance congratulations to you,couz."Then she face Alexus."I'm not sure to you dude."We both laugh that makes Alexus eyed us like a dagger.

"You'll gonna regret that,Elize."

"Whatever dude."

We talk a little bit more before someone call her.We bid our goodbyes and i go back to read my books.

I do my morning routine and go to school with Alexus 'cause he still don't have his car key.His charm really never affect mom.Poor brother mine.

"Why driving so fast,Xei?I won't be surprised if a police mobile will just pop in our back."He said while playing his phone like a spinner.He really like spinning his phone.

"So what?People mouth will zip when you slap them with money in the face."I see him shake his head in my peripheral vision.

"Not all."

"Whatever.But still."

I made my way to the school infirmary.It's so early so i know there is no anybody there but her.I have plans and she is part of my chess game so i should keep my eye to her.I don't think that my last year in this school would be this exciting.

"Hi,Summer."She just make a hasty look before turning her head back to the books she arranging.

"What are you doing here,Xia?"

"Why so cold,babe?Is Cris Samaniego still bothering you?"I got her attention with that.

"Yes,and he is now forcing me.What should i do,Xia?He will kill my parents.He already ruin me---"

"You, your relationship with Cairo, now your parents? Didn't i tell i can help?"I laugh and face her."Awesome isn't am?"

"H-how did you know that?"Shock is visible in her face.If Alexus born to play his phone like a spinner then i am born to play it throwing in the thin air.I use my act,throwing my cellphone in the thin air while sweetly smiling at her.I have my entertainer for a month or more

"What a coincidence,Summer.Cairo is Alexus friend.How was that?"

"W-what t-the..."

"Yeah-yeah.Lastra is will known,My surname is a big help.I can make Cris tail wag like my tamed dogs."A small laughed come out from my lips.

"Why are you doing this?"She ask in uproar.

"Can't you just be thankful that i will help you?By the way i will take you home after i finish my class in the afternoon."

"I have my car."

"You wouldn't want your family's company to lose because of bankruptcy cause by Cris Samaniego family's company right?That would be ludicrous."

"Y-you..."She said pointing her index finger to me.

"Again,i am awesome, isn't i?"I smile as i throw my cellphone in the air.

"Prepare yourself.I need a best actress not a goner.Cris Samaniego is not an easy foe.I need a lot of bone to tamed him."

"This is really what the---"

"Hell."I finished her."Yah right.Really what the hell.By the way,why don't we go to a party tonight?I'm invited to a acquaintance party and the hell with the deal with my twin,i couldn't have a date with a boy."She make face.

"So are you telling me to be your trophy for tonight?"I shrug my shoulders.

"Something like that."

"Your impossible,Summer.I should have known you.My! Boys almost kneel infront of you and to thing that you are an---errr--what should i call you."

"Nah.I do such this thing for a reason.And by the way..."


"Can you be my girlfriend for a week or two? The legal one."

"Are you kidding me?I'm not like you!"She sounds horrify.

"It is not that i will eat you alive.C'mon.This is just a game no to serious thingy.What is the big deal with that?I will save you from Cris craziness.So...Are you in or i'll just this case of yours."

"You!What are you?My lawyer?Fuck----"

"Are you in or not?"She glared at me."Okay.I have to go.It's your choice---"

"Alright! Alright!I'll do it."She sound forced.

"You sound force.I'm not forcing you or something if you don't like my then so be it."She let a deep sigh.

"I'll accept it okay.Just tell me what to do."That makes me smile widely.

"Alright!For now,i have to go to my class.Bye,babe."I made my seductive flying kiss before i go out to the school infirmary.

I put my hands in my scrubs uniform pocket as i walk through the corridors full of student.I raise my eyebrow to make them see that i don't care about their shits towards me.

"Xia,Katarina wants you in the school abandoned building at the back right now."That makes my two eyebrow rise.Katarina,the war freak girl.I smirk to the four girls infront of me.

"Wait me there.I just put my back in my room--"I show them my bag."And l'll follow you after."They make a playful kiss.

"Fine then."

I know that they keep eyeing me because of the scene in the corridor that bitch made.What's new?Last time i check,the Katarina girl really envy me because i have something she don't.Poor little girl.

I texted Alexus before i get going in the abandoned building at the back or our school building.I don't hesitate going in the bitch territory that looks like her too.What an ugly haven she have.

I walk slowly in the corridors while playing my cellphone and creating a sound as i step my feet.This is a little bit creepy hearing your own footstep but doesn't affect me even a percent.This is thrilling.

I made a look around until i see the bitch a short time ago who just brag infront of me telling that i go to this shitty place.I wanna wipe out the smirk in her face.I don't like her.Oh i don't like foe.

I smirk back and put my cellphone back in my pocket.I know that Katarina envy me a lot but i don't know that this time will come.She is crossing the line.

"Where is the fucking Katarina?"I ask with a stagy tone and flip my hair.She made face and motion the way.

A more than ten girls welcomed me.Her puppies.So lame.What a puppy she have?They more on like performing in the circus.With the thick make ups on?Are they trying to surpass Penney Wise?

"Hi,Katarina my dear."I greeted and fake a laugh.She stand in what they call that?Throne like chair? Jeez.

"Still the slut Xia i know huh?"She stand and slowly walks towards me.I make an exaggerated 'Oh' face and place my right hand in my mouth.

"Bad,Katarina?"I put my hands in my uniforms pocket and smirk."You forget?I'm not the slut, it's you.Is'nt you are the one hook up with different boys?Now tell me who?"That make her face red in anger.What a sight.I love pissing her,she looks like a tomato though .

"You bitch!And you?What you call yourself?I wanna tell you,you are hitting with boys too so what is the difference?"She said with a smug face.That didn't stop me to laugh with my ass off.

"Damn.Damn.Katarina."I said with my hand in my stomach.I assume that my face already red.I wipe out a tears in the side of my eyes.I just can't stop myself.I compose myself and look at her.

"You know what is the difference?Of course there is a big difference.I'm a flirt and you are a slut.Yes,I admit i am a flirt.Slut defines as a woman with many sexual partners.And me as a flirt...Behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone but for amusement rather than this serious intentions.Understand?Just saying if you mistook it."I shrug my shoulders and that angered her more.

"You bitch!"Before i close my eyes i see them ready to ruin my beautiful face.So much affected huh.

"Katarina,babe."A followed with a silence.