Chapter 4

"Katarina,Babe."I can't help but to smirk.Tgeir silence means that my brothers really have a big affect on them.Who wouldn't?

I wanna lauhg so hard again when Katarina face emotion instantly change.From anger to a slutty one.She lick her lips and walk towards to Alexus.

"Baby."She said with to much flirtyness.Yeah i accept it.She is flirty more than i am.But the hell? That won't make her genius than i am.

When Katarina nearly reach my brother,Alexus step back.Poor Katarina.I really want to bush your face in the wall.Really? Flirting to my twin brother in front of my face?What a whore.

"Ah-ah.Stop right there.Sister mine!"I smile sweetly and walks towards my brother like a model and slight hit Katarina shoulder who is rooted in her place.

"Brother mine."I hug him."Really infront of my face?!"I half shouting-whisper to him.Ue answered with a chuckle.

"Bye,Karina.We have to go.We have class."Alexus wave his hand and we walk with his arms around my shoulder.

"You idiot Zeus!Did you just hook up with Katarina?"He think for a sec before he face me.

"Yeah?"He sound so unsure.

"Yuck!So cheap"

"It is just once i think."

"Still you're so cheap brother mine."

"Ah-huh?And how 'bout you."

"Still chill.Prepare for being my chaperone, brother mine."

"And now i pitty myself."He said Shaking his head.

"Of course you should.I told you."

"Yeah.Yeah whatever."

The day fast blur.Nothing's new than no boys beside me or where to find my arms.It looks like a peaceful day but i have to much in my mind.From school reports and whatsoever.Damn.

After my last subject i head my way to the school infirmary.My eyeborw automatically when i heard a voice talking inside.Out of confusion,i draw near to the close door to heared it clearly.

"I already my plan,Anne.If i will stay here in these school Cris couldn't find me.I'm safer here."

"No,Summer!Mom has a sickness for fuck sake! Just date Cris and we are done.That's all.What is difficult with that?"Anne half shouting.Oh the sisters.

"Are you out of your mind?We all know that it will not go in just a date.I know Cris.He is already fucking crazy."

"Save your self and let mom die.Let see who will regret."I turn around my back and start walking away like i heard nothing.

After Anne pass me,i turn around again and enter the infirmary.I found her seating in her swivel chair and her face is so red.She look like shit with her ruined lipstick and teary eye.I don't have any background how to comfort someone who i cry so i just seat in the visitor chair and cross my legs.

"You look like shit."I commented.She abide a bit and wipe her tears.

"What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget?C'mon.Fixed yourself ."She eyed me before fixing herself."

"I'm not just teasing around,Summer.I know your mother is sick.You should go home."I said with my eyes on the road.She let a deep sigh.

"Even i want too,i cant.When i will be free,Xia?I hate hiding but i would not risk my whole life too.I just can't.I know Cris Samaniego and thier illegal deals.Now tell me,i should go home and risk my life that in the end we all know that he'll use me to hold family my family in the neck so we would not tell anyone a soul about what they are doing."Damn.So my prediction is true.I use my emotionless face and face her not minding that we are on the way and i am the one who is driving.

"Tell me all that you know and i'll free you and your family to them."She nodded.

I take her first to apartment where is staying right now.It is simple and small.Of course Cris Samaniego would think that she'll stay in an expensive hotel or condominium.Summer is actually wise.

"Bring some of your clothes, you'll be staying in our house for the mean time."She noded.I roam around in her apartment.There is not much interesting.I frown when i see a book with a paper inside.More or like a letter.I make a step then open the book and i am right.Because i am so interloper i open the letter.


I hope that Cris wont find you,Summ.I do what you said to me and it is actually working.But they are not stoping seeing you,Summ.He is always here,he is possibly thingking that you'll go home.

Stay safe, baby,Mommy is waiting.Please always taker yourself.Don't skip meals, okay?We are waiting for you.Don't call the police,you know that right?Mommy is still fighting,Summ.I hope you too.

Your Sweet Ain

Shit!I know about Cris Samaniego but not that deep.Summer is the Key,i can tell.Hope so.

"Why you are holding that?That is crossing my privacy."

"The hell with privacy today.Let's go."I gave her back the letter and go out the house.I waited her in the car.

"Alexus,Where are you?"I said in the other line when he answered the call.

"Why sound so serious,sister mine."

"I'm not playing around.Damnit."He fake a hem.

"I'll be home in a minute."I end the call.

"Let's wait Alexus for a minute."Then seated in the single couch.I cross my legs and sip a little in my lemon juice.

I'm calculating every situation.What a coincidence that the new school nurse might be the key.Cris Samaniego father is under surveillance since last year.Contemporaneous with the La Temporaz organization and the drug baron,Leon Corpuz.We already terminate the two and Cris Samaniego is the only son so maybe he also involve about his father's doings.

"Who are you really is?"She asked and i know that she is already solving the puzzle of my real identity.

"Alexia Lastra."I simply said done the flirty Xia.

"What i mean----"

"Answer it by yourself and kindly shut up your mouth or i will rip that off if you spill something i wouldn't like to hear."Fear and shocked is visible in her face."Oh!You should keep that curiosity of yours it may lead you to your graveyard."She gulp.

"I-i w-wont."I eyed with no emotion.


True to Alexus word he came in just a minute after i called.He enter the house making it freeze(not literally)with his so cold face expression the typical expression if we are talking about our work.He is not even shock that the school nurse is here.So maybe he also have a lead.

"In close room."I nod at him and motion to Summer the way.

I open our house library room and enter another door.The library comfort room welcome us.I pointed her to stay still in the shower part of the C.R. which separated to the toilet bowl by the glass door.I pish three blacks and instantly the shower room goes down.

"Might zip your mouth about this or you and your family will facing hell."He just nod and no words.She is actually trembling and with an awe emotion.

After a sec,the glass door open welcome us with the pathway and different door design.This is what we called the Close room.

This is not our house,these is more like a working area.Maid that supposed to be doing household chores is bound to do things more than stabing the fish.Well,we are originally from Madrid but stay here in London for our work.

I open the conference room door.A long oval table and swivel chair welcomed is.

"Take a seat."

"Tell us what you know about the Samaniego.How it start to the end."Alexus commanded with no emotion.She explained everything.From how she know and until now that Cris Samaniego is trying to create a scene that he is obsessed to Summer but the truth is so can get a hold to her neck.What a mother fucker.

"I have some pictures.They don't know about this one.Just assure me our safety."My head slightly tilt when i saw the pictures.

"This what we need,Zeus."

"Yeah.I a sure you and your family safety.Our family will invest if you need backup."

"Our company is falling down i don't think that your parents will agree."

"Don't you dare judge how our parents mind works."She trooped.


"We will send some men to gaurd your parents.And you,you stay here.Our house is safer."

"How about my work?"

"Your safety is the most important.We can send another one to replace you."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank us.You give us what we need,we give what you need.It is what we called quits."

"By the way, you will stay here one of the room of the close room.No funny move you'll.Don't you dare betray us and you will welcome hell in an instant."

"I-i u-understand."

"Good.Wait here for someone who will take to your room."

"What do you think about this,Alexia?Should we passed this or dig more."He wave the white folder, with the testimony of Summer and evidence.

"What is the better idea?They won't stop until they see Summer in her casket."

"We have the evidence.What we have do is to dig more words to make this more substantial.This already taking us too long."

"Scratch that.We were busy tracking Leon Corpuz not minding Samaniego ilegal deads because we're to focus to stop Corpuz."I explained.He have this attitude sometimes,blaming himself if we failed a mission.

"Xia,Zeus.General is asking about the case of Aleandro Samaniego."Kalla interupted with her maid uniform on.

"Give us a day.Anyway,give me a cup of ice tea."

"Fuck off!"She hissed.

"You wearing a maids uniform.You supposed to follow what we would said."

"Damn you,Xia!How i hate accepting this shitty mission."

"Whatever.That is not my problem anymore."She glared at me before she leave.

"How 'bout Mom and Dad?Should we talk to them about this?"

"Nah.They have too much in thier plate.We should finished this by our own."

"Hmm.So still playing with Summer?"So he know.He is not my twin for nothing.

"Nah.I'm already good.Our deal still open buddy."

"Ugh.I hate you.Can we start a new one?"

"No.Hand me my laptop."

"Close the deal first."

"You hand me my laptop or i will bush it in your face."

"The first one.Here."He immediately hand me my laptop."

"The folder.I'll copy all the information incase something will happen."

"That's a good idea."

"I know right.Did you check every people who enter our home?I wouldn't like to have the same problem with base in Canberra.How i hate traitors."

"Yah.Still clean.No spy."

"Good to hear."

"Anyway, should we accept new mission or lie low for a month?We are already graduating.Our schedule is going hectic day by day."

"How bout you?"

"I ask you first."

"Lie low."

"Then this would be the last."

"Hmm-hmm.Let's clean this one."

"You'll clean i am going somewhere."

"No kinky deeds, brother mine.I really want to hit your face right now.No girls,Zeus.Lets focus and you could have all time in the world bashing your face with your girls."

"Bad,Sister mine.I have to go now 'cause i should dig more.You are over reacting."I raised my fourth finger to him.

"Over reacting my ass."