Chapter 2

Everything is hurting, every inch of my body is aching, my head is throbbing, it's like I'm drowning in a never ending ocean and I can never get out .

I open my eyes and squint trying to avoid the blinding light, I try to recognize the unfamiliar place I'm in, my heart races as I think of the worst scenarios, my secret is revealed after all, everyone has already seen me and it wasn't a very pleasing sight, they saw me freaking out, panicking and angry, they must want me dead now, they said it themselves I'm a freak and a monster .

I try to move my body, but end up yelling in pain, the door slams open and my grandma walks in with an unknown man maybe in his early twenties, I flinch away from him thinking he's going to hurt me

" It's okay Elda, he's safe." Grandma says

I glance at him warily " I need to drink " I cringe on hearing how scratchy my voice is

" Oh, sure I'll be right back " the man says and I sigh in relief when he leaves the room

" That's Adam, I called him right when I saw you passed out, he's from the elemntalist school so don't worry he's just like you "

I groan as I try to remember what happened " I only remember trying to practice my powers and then someone saw me from the window, I guess he called the rest, that's all I can remember"

" I was at the corner of the street when I heard them chanting, I couldn't even reach the door from how crowded it was thank God Adam wasn't so far away he got you out of there " she rubs my arm comfortingly

I debate whether or not I should tell her about the whole incident, the water that had exploded out of me, how the hell can water mix with fire, that's impossible to happen, she wouldn't even believe me, maybe I was hallucinating, yes that must be it I was hallucinating.

The door opens again revealing Adam with a glass of water " sorry for taking so long "

" It's fine " I gulp down the water quenching my thirst

" I'll be outside, Adam wants to talk to you privately " grandma whispers to me

I look at her begging her to stay with me, but to no avail.

" I understand your fear and confusion, this must be your first time passing out after practice yeah ? "

I take a deep breath " It actually isn't, but I was never this exhausted "

" Is there something you want to tell me Elda ? I noticed how nervous you were since you woke up "

I can't tell him, he's a stranger, he might be dangerous

" You can tell me anything Elda, I'm here to help you trust me " he says as if he had heard my thoughts

" I ... I don't know how to say this I was practicing my power when everything caught fire and then water was everywhere, you probably think I'm crazy, but I swear I wasn't imagining it "

He straightens his back and sucks in a sharp breath, running a hand through his hair

" This .. It can't be true something is definitely wrong "

I scoff " I knew you wouldn't believe me "

He shakes his head " No it's not that, I just have to make a quick call " he barges out of the room making my nerves highten even more .

Left alone with my own dark thoughts I try to get out of bed a little, I wince at the excruciating pain and hold onto the wall for support I start exploring the room I'm in,

pictures of Adam during his childhood lay scattered over the nightstand , gold and silver medals hung on the wall , I chuckle at the sight of his clothes collected in a messy way as if he was trying to hide them quickly . I grimace at the sudden pain in my legs and take a seat on the sofa and just as I was about to reach for the book on the coffee table the door opens revealing a panting Adam .

" Is everything okay ? " I ask nervously

He gulps sitting next to me " Elda I don't think it's safe for you to stay at home anymore "

" Duh ! Everyone saw me already, there's no way I'm going back, they'd kick us out anyway " I sigh heavily

" No, not that .... it's something more complicated, but I'm not sure I should tell you this now since you're a little tired. "

" I think I deserve to know though "

He takes a deep breath " So since the beginning of time, there were legends about a creature to be born, the whole thing is mysterious it was not said wether that creature would be human, animal or even alien, but most importantly it was said to be the strongest creature to ever exist on Earth, it will be able to combine two contrasting elements, two elements that can never exist together Fire and water and it seems like that awaited creature is you "

I blink a couple of times trying to take in what he just said, that can't be me, why would it even be me out of all people?

" You're wrong, there must be a mistake, that thing can't be me. "

Upon hearing the commotion grandma walks in " What happened sweety? "

" What's he saying grandma, did you know about that !? What the hell's going on I don't get it "

" Elda it's okay baby, you're safe with us, just calm down hun, we both know how scared and confused you must be now, but there's nothing we can do.... you were chosen " She hugs me trying to calm me down, but in vain .

" Who.. chose me ? "

" The higher elementalists, they chose you to be the one that fights evil, they must have seen something special in you and that's why they chose you for this mission "

Adam explains with his head down

I look at my grandma to see tears in her eyes, my heart sinks " Am I gonna die ? "

suffocating silence fills the room as neither of them reply " I'm going to die in the end ." I whisper

" That's not guaranteed though Elda, it all depends on how hard you fight your own demons, your powers are not easy to bear, there's a chance you'd collapse and there's a chance you'd survive, I'm sorry. We'll have to leave this place as soon as possible too, we'll be going to the elementalists' school by morning ." Adam says with a guilty expression on his face

" Have some sleep baby, we'll leave you to rest " Grandma pats my shoulder

" Can you stay with me for tonight " I hold her hand quickly not wanting her to leave

She smiles kissing the crown of my head

" Anything for my baby "

She lays on the bed with my head on her shoulder and starts massaging my scalp soothingly " You'll be okay Elda, you're the strongest person I've ever seen, it won't be easy, but whenever it gets too hard for you just remember that I'm always there with you, I'll always have your back and when you need me the most you'll find me in your memories and in your heart, I'm gonna need you to be as strong as you can be, for you hold the strength of this whole world in your heart so fight with that heart of yours not with your powers and you'll see we'll be back together in a blink of an eye, I love you Elda."

A sob escapes my mouth " I love you too granny, I'll do my best, I'll fight for you . "