Chapter 3

Saying goodbye to my grandma was heart wrenching, tears were shed and promises were made ... promises that I hope not to break, promising her that I'll be back soon safe and sound might've been the biggest lie I ever told her, for I myself don't know if I'll make it out alive out of this mess .

Thankfully Adam was patient enough with me, he gave me all the time I needed to bid her farewell even though all the time in this universe wouldn't have been enough for me ,she is my best friend and the only family I have left and having to leave her behind felt like my heart was being ripped apart , like I was losing my parents all over again.

The ride to the elementalist school felt like an eternity, Adam tried multiple times to start a small talk, but I wasn't in the mood for anything I appreciate his effort though .

When I first walked through the doors of the school, silence filled the place as if I had the word fireball written all over my face, as if everyone knew who I really am , Adam had quickly escorted me to an office where I was supposed to meet with Edmund who's like the boss here or something , now sitting in the office for about half an hour I start getting impatient, I glance at Adam only to find him sleeping on his chair next to me, smiling to myself seeing how peacful he looks like a little kid that hasn't slept in days , he stirs in his sleep and his eyes flutter open making me divert my gaze elsewhere before he notices me .

" Edmund's not here yet I see " He stretches his arms and stands up

" I'll go find him " He was about to leave when I spoke up " Adam... Can you like uh stay here with me, I'm nervous I don't wanna be left alone " I whisper the last part

" Yeah sure, what's up ? you can talk to me"

I gulp " I'm just worried what if that Edmund guy hates me or like tries to hurt me or even send me to those hunters, what if no one likes me here, there's just alot on my mind it's like I don't even know myself anymore "

He chuckles " It's okay you don't have to worry about anything , Edmund's my bestfriend he's quite understanding he won't try to harm you, trust me and rest assured everyone here is gonna like you, Emily'll be glad to have a new friend "

I was about to answer when the door opens revealing a boy in his twenties with a bright smile on his face whom I guess is Edmund I sigh in relief as I was expecting an old grumpy man . He takes a seat in front of us " How you doing Elda ? Adam told me you were a little tired last night , hope you're feeling better now . "

I clear my throat " Thanks for asking I'm doing better now "

" Let's get straight to the topic then. So Elda this is the safest place for you to stay at in the meantime , we'll all do our very best to protect you and train you for any possible situation , you'll have an instructor with you who's gonna be Adam seeing as you already know and trust him even though it's preferable to have an instructor with the same powers as yours but that won't be possible in this case , fear nothing at all Elda we have your back "

Edmund explains everything to me in one go making me wonder if this is the habit of everyone in this place, nevertheless I nod my head in understanding keeping in my mind that if I have any questions I'll ask Adam later .

" You should settle down for today maybe take a look around the place and get to know some of the people here and if you're ready we'll start your training tomorrow "

He gives me a friendly smile which I return hesitantly

" Okay then , we'll get going now, let's go Elda " Adam stands up and opens the door with me following behind him like a lost puppy .

" Do you wanna take a tour around the place or would you like to eat first ? "

I immediately answer " We should eat first , I'm starving " as if on cue my stomach grumbles loudly making me blush

Adam sighs in relief " Thank God I was hoping you'd say that "

The cafeteria wasn't too far from Edmund's office thankfully seeing as both Adam and I are famished , during the short way to the cafeteria Adam starts daydreaming about what he'd like to eat starting from a simple piece of cake to devouring a whole turkey on his own .

" By the way right when we walk through the doors of the cafeteria if you get attacked in a bone crushing hug don't panic that'd be Emily "

I chuckle " Thanks for the heads-up "

We reach the cafeteria and just like Adam said I get engulfed in the tightest hug ever knocking the breath out of me .

" Emily please let's not scare her away, it's only her first day " Adam laughs at my shocked state

" And probably the last " I breathlessly let out , even though Adam had already warned me nothing would've prepared me for Emily's killing hug .She finally lets me go making me suck in a deep breath .

" Sorry for that " She sheepishly smiles

" I just got so excited for seeing you "

" Something tells me those two will get along just fine " Edmund's voice startles me

" Why the hell are you here go eat in your office mister " Emily says in an annoyed tone making me confused

" She's mad at him cuz he didn't tell her about his promotion beforehand " Adam whispers in my ear

" Are they like a couple or something ?" I whisper back

He nods " They've been on and off for like two years now I tried to get them to confess multiple times, but Edmund's a scaredy cat he always chickens out "

we look at Edmund and Emily only to find them still bickering " ok c'mon break it up you two let's eat first then you can argue all you want " Adam pulls Edmund away from a red faced Emily making me try to stifle my laughter .

Emily links her arm with mine and we follow the boys to an empty table at the corner, I gaze around the lively place and smile happily at the warm atmosphere here, each table has a group of friends sitting together chit chatting or playing games and laughing loudly, but this joyous feeling in my heart vanishes almost immediately when my eyes fall on a boy sitting on his own death staring at me , and if looks could kill I'd be buried five feet down now, chills run down my spine making me quickly divert my gaze away from his .

" Everything okay Elda ? " Emily glances at the boy " Strange, I've never seen him here before "

I swallow the lump in my throat and look for Adam, only to realize that he's not sitting with us anymore " Where did Adam go ? "

" He went to get you both some food, such a gentleman " Emily says giving Edmund an annoyed look, Edmund on the other hand shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly

"What you said you were not hungry! "

She huffs " I'll go get some food myself " she storms off angrily

" So how do you like it here so far ? " Edmund asks breaking the tension

" It's nice actually everyone seems friendly "

I was about to ask him about the boy who was staring at me, but I decide otherwise when I see the angry expression on his face , I glance at where he's looking and see Emily laughing with a tall boy who seems to be flirting with her .

" Why don't you just tell her you like her ? " I blurt out without thinking

" Sorry , it's none of my buisness I guess "

Edmund shakes his head " No it's okay, you're one of us now "

" They're back " He says and points towards Adam and Emily .

Adam places a plate infront of me and I immediately dig in making him chuckle

" what I was hungry! "

He raises his hands in defence " okay ma'am I didn't say anything ! "

we both start eating with Edmund and Emily still bickering , something tells me this will last for my whole stay here , not that I'm complaining I already like their company alot .

" When you're done eating you should take a nap after that if you'd like I'll show you around"

I nod enthusiastically and quickly finish what's left of my food " we'll see you guys later " Adam says between their neverending aruguing though they don't even acknowledge us leaving .

Adam escorts me to my room " I asked Edmund to give you a room close to mine and Emily's in case you need anything . "

I give him a thankful smile and take a look around the room " It's beautiful, I already like it here "

" I'll have someone bring your stuff later when you wake up okay , also I wrote my number on that paper on the coffee table so just ring me up if you need something "

I nod my head walking towards the very cozy looking bed , Adam opens the door about to leave the room when I stop him

" Adam " he looks at me questioningly " Thank you ... for everything"

He gives me a small smile " Take a rest Elda. "

I lay down on the bed as a sigh leaves my mouth , the soft covers helping me relax even more , I think of everything that has happened so far , the legends about me , the powers I possess , and last but not least the mysterious boy at the cafeteria , his icy glare not leaving my mind , when I looked at him it felt like everything was freezing cold all of a sudden , he felt like the grinch at christmas stealing everyone's happiness away , it was like he was looking right through my soul as if he despised me . I close my eyes ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in my heart, silencing the voice telling me to watch my back . I drift off to sleep unaware of what darkness I'll be facing in this place .