Chapter 4

The tour with Adam made me fall in love with this place even more than I already do , the building has a home_ish vibe to it , a warm aura embracing the whole place , all the faces have a smile painted on them it feels like home , my very first home , don't get me wrong the house I lived in with grandma was great and all , but only because she was there with me , I always had this empty feeling inside me like something was missing , it was a monstrous place that forced me to always hide , to bury myself where no one could doubt anything about me , but in vain in the end I still managed to ruin everything and no matter how many times I've tried to convince myself that it wasn't my fault I still can't believe that it isn't , it's like the thought is embedded in my head .

No matter how many times grandma told me not to let my mind trick me I still allowed it to and that is one of the promises that I managed to break in such a short time .

Now sitting on my window seat I try to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow not knowing exactly what'll be happening , Edmund had said that I'll start my training with Adam , but I have no idea what I'll be doing during it and Adam didn't really explain to me .

A soft knock interrupts my thoughts and I mumble a come in , Emily walks in with a plushie in her embrace making me stifle a laugh

" Can we be roommates ? " She asks out of the blue

" Well I don't really mind , but I don't see any extra beds here "

She scratches her head as if she's deep in thought then shrugs " I can just sleep on the couch untill Adam gets an extra bed for me "

" I see you've already made yourself at home " I smile at her sleepy state

She gives me a long look " You seem troubled , what's on your mind ? "

" A little nervous that's all " I think about my parents' death and the incident back at home

I still feel like every single bad thing that ever happened was somehow because of me as if I wasn't only cursed with my powers but also with the ability to ruin every good thing in my life .

" you can talk to me , you don't seem nervous actually you seem a little down "

A sigh leaves my mouth as I contemplate whether or not I should tell her about my past and how my parents' death was because of me , Emily scoots closer to me with an _I'm all ears_ look I smile inspite of the ache in my heart and fire in my soul that seems to have reburst at the memory of my parents .

I gulp " I was eight when I lost my parents , or shall I say killed them , we were having a movie marathon with me sandwiched between my mom and dad , I was having the time of my life , everything was okay , but what my parents didn't know was that I was in pain the whole day , I had this uncomfortable feeling like my body was aching everywhere and I had a terrible headache , during the movie I felt a tingling sensation in my hands so I got up telling my parents that I want to sleep , silly me thought that I could sleep that off " I chuckle bitterly

" I went to my room as fast as I could ignoring the feeling that I was going to burst at any second , I was so scared I hid under my bed and that's when I couldn't take it anymore a loud booming was heard in the house , but I didn't think it was because of me all I felt at that moment was relief as if I was a volcano and finally I erupted when I opened my eyes there was fire everywhere I was terrified out of my mind I wanted to go to my parents ,but I thought that the fire would normally burn me down to ashes little did I know that it wasn't going to harm me , but the ones I loved the most , when I went down to the living room my parents were already dead ... I ran out of the house screaming and crying then I passed out , when I woke up I was at my grandma's and since then I couldn't remember anything else from my childhood other than this incident "

when I'm done talking I hear a sniffle and a strangled sob , at first I think that it came out of me or Emily , but when my gaze diverts to the door I find Edmund standing there trying to stifle his cries .

Emily teases him " Turns out he's got a really sensitive heart in there "

He glares at her " Shut up , poor Elda has gone through alot , she must think that everything was her fault "

I brush them both off " It's all in the past now "

" Will you stop acting , your bloodshot eyes are enough proof that it's not in the past" Edmund mumbles .

I look at the ceiling trying hard to mask my tears and stop them from falling when Edmund says something

" But Elda how were you able to use your powers at such a young age , we normally get our powers by sixteen ! "

I scratch my head " I don't know , I've always thought that we're born with them actually "

" I'll look into it " he was about to get up when Emily stops him " Would you please stop overworking yourself , you can look for an explanation tomorrow it's late already "

I nod in agreement and Edmund sits back down

" Where's Adam anyway ? " Emily asks with a frown

" I don't know , last time I checked he was out in the garden talking to someone " Edmund shrugs

" You guys have some fun I'll go look for him " I wink at Emily who gives me a deathglare and I wave at Edmund before leaving my once private room .

The halls are quite silent at night , that's the first thing I notice on my way to the garden , they're almost scary , specially with the owls hooting outside , I keep hearing footsteps behind me , but I just ignore the sound telling myself that I don't want to be scared anymore , I want to bury the old me who thought that I'm a monster , a freak , that everyone's out there is trying to kill me . I start walking faster when I see the gates for the garden , but my blood runs cold and I break in a cold sweat , my eyes widen at what's infront of me , on the wall written with a dark red color in bold letters " I'VE FOUND YOU "

I pray in my mind that this is only a prank , getting closer to the wall , I was hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be blood , but as I get closer the stench of blood fills my nostrills making me gag a little I gasp when I see that that isn't all, written in tiny handwriting below " welcome to your hell "

I retreat with slow careful steps my eyes not leaving the words infront of me as broken sobs leave my mouth , I run as fast as I ran the day my parents died I run and run and run and just as I'm about to take the turn to my room a hand grabs me , the hand is covering my mouth , I move around trying to free myself from the grip .

I'm pulled harshly into a dark closet , I hear the closet's lock getting turned , I squint my eyes a little and see a lighter on the ground with all my might I push the person and go for the lighter, I click it and finally I can see.

I cover my mouth when I see the figure infront of me .
