They are closer

Although Bella didn't understand the use of taking bath right now, as she doesn't have blood on her body. She looked at herself and she is looking very much clean. They can't take bath so easily where she lived. But since she is already there and that warm water feels good to her skin so she took a bath and came out. She was wearing the dress she had once she came here.

Anna took her hands and sat on the bed with her. She opened her youtube and searched for "how to make a man fall for you"

She is adamant to make Bella her sister in law. But Bella just stared at the video blankly and then at the girl who is giving strange expressions.

Looking at her blank gaze Anna sighed. "before learning anything you should work on your expressions." She took her phone back and loaded a book on facial expressions and handed it back to her.

"read this and try to follow the expressions on different moods and tones." She said to her.

Bella looked at the black and white book, and then at the cheerful girl, her chirpiness is really addicting. "I don't know how to read and write, she said blinking her eyes.

"huh!!" okay Anna has to admit that it really surprised her. She looked at Bella again, she looked so innocent, that has never faced the cruelty of the world. One whom anyone would like to protect. Who would have thought she didn't even go to school.

Anna smiled and said, "then we can start with that" she changed the book with simple alphabetical videos and took out her notebooks. No one would have thought that the chirpy girl can have this much patience to teach, and a demon would learn with this much enthusiasm.

They were so immersed that they didn't even realize that Alex was back, he opened the main door but found the house extremely silent. Walking towards the room, he saw both of them sitting on the nook, reading and writing.

His eyes stared at the girl, who has barged into his life. She is different yet she is so pure. She often creates problems but also helps him.

His eyes stayed on her longer than he realized, the girl having high senses had noticed him the moment he came. But she didn't react because she was enjoying what Anna was teaching her.

But his gaze that stayed on her, forced her to look at him. Their eyes met, Alex wanted to withdraw but like he is spellbound. He just couldn't, her eyes were like deep sea. Sucking his soul.

Anna who just realized that Bella has stopped writing looked above. She found the two lovebirds lost in the eyes of each other. 'and he still has the audacity to say that Bella is just a paying guest. Hmph'.

She coughed and Bella turned her face only then did Alex realized what he was doing. His whole face turned red. He looked at his sister who winked at him. Giving him the knowing look.

He coughed and closed the gate. Then scurried away to the kitchen. Washing his face twice with the cold water, he patted his cheeks to come out of the foolish thoughts taking place in his mind.

He thanked the Lord when Mike came in and patted his shoulders.

"what are you doing?" he asked when he saw Alex slapping himself.

"nothing, how was the chemotherapy," he asked changing the topic and started washing the vegetables.

"like always, she is tired and sleeping. She would be up in a while. She was waiting for your dinner after all." He said lightning the mood.

"hmm, I am making his favourite Lasanga, pane and pasta." He smiled and started kneading the dough.

"Here let me help you," he said cutting the tomatoes.

"go and meet Anna first otherwise she would be angry." Said Alex taking the knife back and pointing at the door.

He smiled and went to the room. "hey my sweetheart, getting a new friend you completely forgot about your first love huh?" said Mike faking disappointment with a pout.

"Mikee shouted Anna and hugged him. He ruffled her hairs and smiled.

"what is my baby sister doing?" he asked looking at all the papers scattered on the floor. "you don't need to study so hard, you have just come home"

She giggled at his thoughtfulness. "I am teaching Bella how to write"

"huh!! He blinked cant believing his ears. He looked at Bella then at the notes in her hands. "you don't know how to write?"

"Why are you so shocked brother," asked Anna, sure she was also surprised but his actions were more shocking.

"Jesus, she spoke 6 languages today in the park, how could she not know how to write." He asked bewildered.

His words made even Anna shocked, she asked Bella with confusion, "Bella how much languages do you know."

"895" replied the girl blinking

Both of their jaws dropped to the floor and eyes came out of socket. "man, I didn't know this much languages even existed" ana Anna nodded again and again like a chicken.

"But why don't you know how to write then?" she asked again

"We have many people all around the world, so I learnt speaking. But we never needed to write anything" sure in hell they speak their languages till they were sent to hellfire. So they learn a lot

"oh, so used to work at the tourist agency." Said mike nodding while Anna just looked at her sceptically.

"anyways she is a good learner. In just two hours, she had become an expert in writing. I was just teaching her basic science." Said Anna clapping her hands.

"Good then, you both study, I will go and help Alex its already we are late for dinner." He smiled and went back.

Bella looked at them then out of the window. She needs to go out soon. She can smell them. They are closer.