
"Anna comes, food is ready. We are going to Aunt Sharron house." Shouted Alex after putting all the food in the containers and bowls.

"Coming brother," said Anna taking Bella hands on hers. Only then had she taken her eyes off the window.

Taking everything, they locked the door, and Mike opened his flat. He went to the room to wake her mother up. In the meantime, Alex set the table.

Anna showed the house to Bella, the house was simple just like Alex, they have attached the drawing room and dining room. A small kitchen with wash area and a small storeroom And a bedroom with a small balcony, attached bathroom, and a small closet. A nook near the window with side drawers.

Their photographs were used as decorations. "look, this is when aunt Sharron celebrated brother Mike 10th birthday. I was only 3 years old then.

This is my mother and father with aunt Sharron. Where we are living now, was my mother apartment before her marriage.

After my parent's death, we shifted back here." She replied with da distant look on her face. Long lost in her thoughts, she forgot where she was.

Bella looked around, then gently she touched her hands and closed her eyes. She could see the day she was crying in her brother's arms.

Their clothes were being thrown out, so as their parent's belongings. A man with the lady they have met in the school are leisurely sitting on the sofa drinking their tea.

Their children were playing around with the newly found toys. The family was enjoying their family time like there is no crying and pleading of Alex or sobbing of Anna who was fallen.

In a calm and collected tone, the man replied, "it's not that I don't want to help you, Alex, my brother has taken many loans on his name. And I am the one who paid them. So now his house and business belong to me.

I would have kept you here if you have been ready to follow my conditions. It's just that both of you will have to leave school, and help your Aunt at home.

She gets tired after working all day. As a filial niece and nephew, you can at least do this much. We will take care of your food and clothing. It's not like you have money to pay school fees anyway." He said haughty, his voice was covered with disdain towards them. Not a single ounce of sympathy or concern on his face.

She wanted to see more but Alex came in between.

When Alex came to call them, he saw tears in his sister's eyes and photographs in her hands. Having an idea of what had happened, he came and hug her from behind. Patting her head in a soothing way. She closed her eyes and smiled.

Moving back to her chirpiness, like all the tears were just illusions. But now Bella knew that behind this happy façade, there was so much sadness.

Going back to the dinner table, they sat when Anna hugged her Aunt who was no longer talkative like afternoon. She was looking dull and tired.

Still, Anna tried her best to uplift her spirits by telling her funny stories of school. Sharron smiled and patted Anna's head from time to time.

While everyone is enjoying peaceful dinner, Bella could hear the whispers. They are here, but how? She closed her eyes to repeat all the events of the day.

Like a movie, everything repeated in front of her eyes. The walk to the bus stand. Did they notice any spot.? She has to hide but how?

"Bella, you don't like pasta?" asked Anna looking at her untouched plate.

Alex looked at Bella and then at her plate, this girl enjoys eating most. She always cleans her plate and even licks her hands if there is chocolate.

"if you want I can make a chocolate cake for you." He offered knowing she likes it most.

"Huh, brother how do you know what she likes?" asked Anna teasingly.

But before he could reply Bella stood up from her seat. Her sudden movement made everyone look at her. Even Sharon who was hardly paying any attention looked at the girl.

Her face was getting paler with every passing moment. She looked terrified.

"Bella are you okay?" Mike asked standing up behind her.

Clenching her fists, she nodded.

"But you aren't looking like one." Replied Anna touching her forehead. "You are hot, are you having fa ever?" She asked with worry written over her face.

Even Alex stood up, "I will call the doctor, or we can go to the nearby clinic" he replied taking the phone out.

Bella looked at the worried faces of people around her. She finally had found a place where people care about her.

Her determination grew. 'No, she would never go with them again'. "I am fine, I need to rest. Can I go back home?" She asked blinking her eyes. She was looking rather pitiful right now.

"Sure, come we will go together." Said Anna extending her hands.

"No, you finish your dinner. I will go with her in case we need to go to the clinic." Said, Alex

"I can go alone." Said Bella. But no one listened. They all were ready to go with her. At last, Anna was the one to step out.

"let Anna go, many problems are there that only can be understood by females." Instructed aunt Sharron and Alex finally relented.

Walking to the room, Bella laid on the bed by continuous convincing of Anna, and Anna sat near her.

"I can smell her, she is close" this was the voice she heard when she closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at the concerned girl.

"I am sorry, I don't have any other option." She said to Anna apologetically, they cared for her and she is betraying them.

But before Anna could understand or reply. She put her finger in the middle of her forehead and withing a few seconds her eyes closed and her body turned heavy. Anna felt on the bed unconscious and the girl laying there vanished.