
"What did you say? She killed a demon!"

All the elves nodded their head hard like their life was dependent on it.

"Hmmm, that's strange" she pondered scratching her chin.

"Got it. Is there anything else?" she asked the elves who were still standing there.

All the elves shook their heads. She nodded, "good, then went back and continued to keep an eye on her. Inform me when i come back, don't need to call me again and again" she ordered and without waiting for a reply, she walked past them.

When she reached the shop where others were, Mike was already back.

"Where were you?" he asked Evelyn when she reached there.

"Nothing just looking around." she replied smiling, joining them.

"See, if you like anything, i will buy one for you." said Mike pointing at woolen clothes, there were sweaters, tshirts, cardigans, scarfs and much more.

Evelyn blinked, she knew Mike was in bad financial condition. Her mothers treatment had taken a toll on him. Yet he was offering her a gift, with the amount which could help him in paying bills.

She was sure it wasn't because of her magic. These bunch of humans really have a kind heart.

She smiled at Mike and pointed at a beautiful red scarf which had small snowflakes printed on it.

Mike nodded, "it will look great on you."he added and continued to buy the scarf.

She then noticed at others, Anna had bought a simply black turtle neck top. Bella had bought a baby pink high neck woolen t-shirt. While Mike and Alex had bought nothing.

"Why haven't you bought anything?" she asked, eying their empty hands.

"We would, from the next stall." he said pointing at the other stall.

She looked at the directions he was pointing at, it was mostly men's clothes so she nodded.

When they moved to the next stall, Evelyn roamed near by looking at different shops doing window shopping. When she was sure none of them was noticing, she closed her eyes and moved her hands, the dresses which were on mannequin of high end stores came in her view with eyes closed.

She smiled and ran her hand in the air, in the next second she had all those dresses in her hands. She had a bunch of men and women's clothes in her hands. Satisfying with the result, she went back, where others were.

Smiling she joined them, when Anna was bargaining over the cost of a woolen jacket. She looked at the eyes of the shopkeeper and blinked. The shopkeeper who was fighting from past half hour over 5 pounds nodded his head and agreed at the price settled by Anna.

She instantly smiled brightly and squealed with happiness. Alex ruffled her hairs.

"So, all the shopping is done?" he asked the girl and Mike.

Mike and Evelyn nodded, Bella wass blank like always, while Anna had a look of hesitation but she still nodded.

Alex eyed his sister, but did not pay much heed to it, they should spend it in their budget.

"So shall we go now, aunt Sharron has promised to cook, but we still can help her if we reach there on time." he added to convince them

"Don't you need anything to make cake and dinner tonight?"asked Mike tilting his head.

"We will buy it from the shops near the bus stand." replied Alex, starting walking back and others followed him.

When they were walking back, Anna was looking in a direction repeatedly. Alex followed her gaze and found a shop where small christmas trees were sold.

He was surprised to see that. Since he was 15, they had stopped buying christmas trees. As his parents died while buying one before christmas. But Anna never said anything . He thought that she also didn't want to celebrate it anymore.

But he forgot one thing that Anna was still a child at the time, and it was not like it was a mistake of the tree or christmas.

He felt regret for not caring enough about her sister's feelings and forcing his will on her. He immediately stopped in his tracks.

Anna who was following her absent mindedly crashed on his back hitting her head, "ouch" she winced stopping herself. She rubbed her head and glared Alex.

Mike asked "what happened, why did you stop suddenly."

"We forgot to buy a very important thing" he replied and turned back.

He walked back to the place where Anna was looking at and went in.

Surprised at his sudden reaction they all followed him confusingly.

He stopped near a shop where Christmas trees were being sold. Mike smiled, knowing how hard it had been for Alex to let go of those bitter memories.

But if he was buying a christmas tree, that means he had already taken a step towards moving on.

"Why don't you all go, me and Bella would stay here." said Evelyn looking for a chance to talk to the demon.

Alex furrowed his brows at the idea, he didn't like the way Evelyn kept looking at Bella. Leaving Bella alone with her didn't sit right with him.

But before he could deny the other three nodded, he sighed. If Bella had said yes, then it might be that he was overreacting, so he also nodded and went in.

The moment they went in and were at a fast distance, Evelyn snapped her fingers. In a blink a transparent wall was formed around them, covering only three inches around them.

"It is for voice protection, no one around will be able to see us or listen to us." Evelyn explained the demon.

Bella nodded, she was afraid too that Alex and Anna would know about her.

"So tell me, demon , what do you want?" she asked directly, cutting to the chase..

"I have already told you i want to live here." Bella replied with a blank expression but her voice told that her decision was final.

Evelyn laughed hard, and then suddenly she put her index finger at the center of Bella's forehead.

Bella shrieked, her skin melting and falling down.