All the men were full of fear now, the girl whom they were taking as a mosquito easy to get rid of or turned out to be a dinosaur, who was tossing them in the air as if they were lighter than a feather.
Many tried to run but the cold gaze of their boss told them he would haunt them down if they would always be afraid of a girl.
So they gulped and looked at each other and decided to attack her all at once. They looked into each other's eyes and gave signals. Then ever you nodded as they started moving towards her.
Alex tried to intervene but he was held by the boss, who was surprised by the power Alex and Bella had shown.
"Where do you think you are going boy?" said the man holding Alex by his waist.
Alex tried to elbow him and kick him but the man was strongest among all, and he had put a knife on Alex's neck stopping his movements limited.