finding mike

Alex was stunned to hear her reply. Now what! Could she see behind the walls too? That also from such a distance, what did she have an x-ray machine. He was sure even an x-ray machine would not be able to see behind the walls too!

"How do you know Bella that he was standing there?" he asked, putting a hand on his waist. It was like babysitting two people 24/7. they both had just made his life more complicated then it should be from the start/

Bella blinked as she looked at Alex and then at Mike who was still standing there and checking his watch every two minutes.

"Because I can see him, Alex" she replied as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

Alex furrowed his brows and concentrated but he could not see anything except the white walls.

He looked around and counted from 1 to 10 in his mind. And when he felt a bit better he turned back towards her.