Ch 7

The dawn came creeping over the bend as supplies were lined up in neat rows. Furs were tied down in stacks while baskets of dried meats and fruits where pressed closed. The morning dew was fresh while flower blossoms coated the forest floor. It was pretty but with the dismantlement of the campfire and the now empty cave a small part of me felt scared. I was now heading out into this foreign world with no clue with how future interactions will go. More than anything in scared of the pressure I'll have on me when guys start approaching me, with how Milori has described it I'm not looking forward to pushy nice guys trying to bond themselves to me for the rest of my life.

"Avery are you ready to go? We just need to tie everything to our backs and we will be off." Milori looked me over as I gave him a small nod.

"Yes I am. I'm just happy I don't have a limp anymore...but how long is it going to take to get to the village?"

"It will be at least two days before we reach it. Don't worry though there should be rest stops we can use as shelter." I took note of his words before looking around for Corwin.

"Does Corwin need any help? need any help?" I asked Milori after having trouble spotting Corwin.

"No I don't need any help, I believe Corwin is over there looking over the supplies he'd be carrying." Milori gestured while giving me a good stare down, like a mother who knows a secret.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Oh nothing. I'm just happy you to are getting along." The stoic man said before continuing his work.

I stared at him a second more before it was back to making sure everything was packed. Breakfast was already done and over with by the time Milori had everything tied down on his back while I tried to help Corwin with his items. Honestly though it wasn't easy and eventually Milori stepped in to help. Even though he was in his wolf form he still managed to complete the job. Liam was still a no show and with more time slipping by the more I started to wonder if he was trying to be a douche on purpose.

"Alright I covered up our scent here and we should be off now." Milori spoke as Corwin came up to my side. I don't want to say anything but my big mouth moved on its own.

"What about Liam? Where is he?"

Milori shook his head dismissively while Corwin bugged my legs again to get on.

"He's already on his way to the village. He volunteered last night to take some of our extra items ahead of time so we can use them to barter a place to settle in." I quirked my brow as I finally climbed onto Corwin back.

"Okay...anyways let's hope he doesn't..tick..anyone off. It wouldn't be nice to be kicked out of the place before even doing anything." I grumbled while Corwin remained quiet, uncharacteristically quiet. Usually he cracks a joke about Liam but looking at his face he doesn't seem ready to do so. If anything he looks a bit conflicted.

"Are you alright Corwin?" I rubbed his back comfortingly while he only looked up with a smile.

"Yeah. Just worried for Liam, that's all."

"I'm sure he'll be fine. I haven't seen him hunt before but I get the impression he's strong and won't wuss out in a fight." Corwin didn't say anything else but continued to smile.

It was a bit strange honestly. With us finally leaving for the village and passing by familiar landmarks. I didn't really think I'd get this far. Honestly I thought I would die because these guys are secretly murders at first but now it's more like the cave became a second home.

The pink and white blossoms flowed through the warm breeze as grass grew greener under the sunlight. The light grazed my skin like a warm hug while the earth herself seemed to fragrance the world with love. Spring was quickly developing into its later stages as buds of leaves replaced certain blossoms that used to grow. It was hard to believe this was an entirely different world from the one I came from due to how much it looked like home. Though time to time I was reminded by the alien looking fawna that grew tall and wide.

"So Avery, what are your sisters like?"

Corwin asked as I snapped back to reality. A smile formed itself on my lips.

"They are really the best. I mean yeah sure they are annoying at times and I basically do their chores, at the end of the day they are my sister's and I love them more than anything. Athena is the one closest to me in age by four years and she is the calmest and is like my right hand. Maria is the one with the most temper and is very stubborn. She and I tend to fight a lot. Isa is the youngest and is almost the carbon copy of Maria. I mean it's funny hearing them fight sometimes because of how similar they are in stubbornness." I laugh as I recall the story of them having to clean there room.

"Maria and Isa share a room and had to clean it. Maria told Isa to put her toys away while having to take the clothes to the laundry room. Isa responded by saying she isn't good at cleaning up. Maria told her that practice make perfect and left the room. But you wouldn't guess what Isa did!" I practically was a giggling mess before I got to the best part. "Isa put all her toys on Maria's bed and left the room while Maria was going in. All I could hear was Maria shout 'That's not how you clean up!' While Isa responded in a monotone voice with 'I told you I wasn't good at cleaning up.'" Though my laughs start to quiet as a pit forms in my stomach. More and more memories flood me as their radiant smiles haunt my daydreaming state.


It was a soft and concern tone that made me glance around and feel my face. Tears where staining my cheeks while I blinked to clear my blurry vision.

"I-Im okay." I croaked out while wiping away the salty water. "There is also the t-time they got into my makeup. I walked in on them doing each others makeup it was all smudged. I g-got so mad at them..." more tears spilled from me as I looked back on myself more. "I-I suck...I shouldn't have been so angry with them...they were just was cute that they wanted to do a fashion show..."

I sobbed uncontrollably as I thought about the three.

'What's the point anymore? They were everything my life centered around. I'm being selfish. I shouldn't be as content with this situation as I am. What about my friends? I'm never going to see anyone again.'

All my repressed feelings suddenly surfaced as guilt allowed everything else to give way. Self-loathing thoughts swam around in my head while I clung to Corwins fur.

"I miss them."

I muttered while I found myself being held in a pair of warm arms and no longer trudging along in the forest. I kept crying as someone gently rubbed my back and held me close. I let myself listen to the rhythm of there heart and fall into a sense of ease.

"I..I shouldn't be so content...I should..."

'But what else can I do? It's not like I can tell them I'm human and from another world. How the hell would I even go back? What if they don't even want me back? I... don't deserve to go back and be happy with them. And I shouldn't be happy here either. I should remain miserable. That's what I deserve: unhappiness.'

There was a mellow hum that reached my ears while a deep rumble fallowed the notes. I couldn't focus on my thoughts as the hum made me fall deeper into calm but guilty settlement.

"It's okay to miss them and think of them. They are probably doing the same. After all you are so attentive and dutiful, it honestly makes me wonder how you can't sit still," their voice was like honey as they spoke as my heart felt like a void. It wasn't until they chuckled in such a rich voice I found myself sobering to their words. "You are the sweetest Avery and I know you are not the worst. You don't 'suck', if anything you are so lovely I want to do nothing more but kiss your pain away.

I blinked away the tears and lifted my head in shock. A hand cupped my face tenderly while their thumb rubbed away the tears. My eyes met the amber and brown ones looking down at me as his head came closer to mine. He rested his forehead on mine while I started to hiccup.


I was startled and sent into a mess of emotions and I couldn't help but start to laugh and try to back away but his hands kept me from doing so. It wasn't because of a form grip but the fact I didn't want to part from them and their comfort. My hands came up and softly tapped against his, almost afraid they would disappear under my touch. I smile formed on my face as I started to giggle.

" don't understand Corwin. I am a terrible piece of garbage. I've done bad things to...they didn't deserve it. I shouldn't be happy and you shouldn't like me."

His thumbs traced themselves on my cheekbones slowly.

"Did you apologize and try to be better after those terrible things? It seems you've been trying to be better and knowing you, you've already apologized."

I gulped and looked away.

"I-I did and I've been trying to be better. But I still did bad things, I shouldn't be happy."

'I'm the same as her.'

"It sounds like you are doing were doing your best to make up for whatever you did wrong. You know you did them wrong and apologized. You where trying to set things right. You should be happy because you've learned from your mistakes. You are better than you where before."

I pouted and felt all my unease melt away. That's not fair. How come he's using words that make sense? They sound logical and make me feel lighter. Looking Corwin in the eyes I took in a deep breath before letting it out. My small hands took his face in gently as I let go of my pride to say something I've been thinking of for a while.

"You make it impossible to stay sad. It's not fair, how did I end up meeting someone like you?"

It was my turn to give him a warm smile and cause him to be startled. His benevolent eyes blinked in shock before melting into a sickingly sweet gaze. It was as if he was melting into my touch.

"I would say 'I could say the same thing but' yeah I will say the same thing. What did I do to meet someone who makes me all fuzzy?"

I laughed.

"That's not what I said."

He grinned.

"No but that's what I heard."